A historical review of pig testing programs in Denmark
Graphical Abstract
The first swine testing station and program in the world was started in Denmark.Denmark has tested breeding and genetics traits of pigs for more than 100 years and have developed an efficient structure and system to select pigs which produce quality pork for the consumer. The Danish pork is exported to many countries around the world.The testing programs described in the article have proven to be very successful over the last 100 years.The history of swine testing for superior pigs is not finished yet.The selection criteria for quality swine breeding animals will also need to be updated on a regular time table because the production systems are changing yearly and new environmental codes and animal welfare regulations are added each year so the testing programs on pig farms also need to change to meet the new production standards.It is not uncommon to obtain some unusual traits when selecting for extreme traits in pigs when they are on testing programs.When these traits are obtained, it requires additional testing to remove these traits.An example would be the Porcine Stress Syndrome.Osteochondrosis is another example.The gene mapping research will also open up new directions for swine testing programs.Therefore, as long as we produce pigs for quality pork and efficient production we will need outstanding swine testing programs.