Relationship between pathogenicity of Phyllosticta commelimecola of Commelina communis with dsRNA and RAPD groups
The genetic polymorphism and dsRNA of Phyllosticta commelimecola from Northeastern of China were determined by RAPD and cellulose methods. The relationship between the genetic polymorphism and dsRNA and pathogenicity was analyzed. The results showed that there were obvious differences in culture types and pathogenicity of these strains, and the pathogenicity of the strains decreased from southern to northern. The typical strains were subject to dsRNA and RAPD analyses. Among 12 strains tested,10 strains contained dsRNA and 2 without dsRNA. It was mdicated that there was not relationship between dsRNA and pathogencity. The isolates could be divided into 5 groups under the Hierarchical cluster distance of 15. There was close relationship between the isolates of Jilin Province and Liaolin Province, however, the strains of Helongjiang Province had distant relationship with the strains of Jilin and Liaolin Province. The pathogenicity of the strains under the same RAPD group was similar.