Study on the Life Table of Natural Population of the Banana Pseudostem Weevil(Odoiporus longicollis Oliver)
Graphical Abstract
The results showed that the adults of banana pseudostem weevil (BPW, Odoiporus longicollis Oliver) preferred to the harvested banana pseudostem, which provided an important source of BPW growing in the banana trunks. The fecundity of the female was higher in spring and autumn than those in summer and winter. The active factor life tables of BPW natural population were constructed. The controlling effect of active factors was evaluated by using exclusion index of population control ( EIPC ). The population trend indices in growing and harvested banana trunks were 1.997 4 and 1 523 7 respectively. EIPC of the factor "predation and others"in growing and harvested banana trunks were 1.844 3 and 2.644 6 respectively. EIPC of the factor "natural death" were less and EIPC of the factor "disease"was the least. The factor "predation and others" was important.