
    Properties of Landscape Pattern of Chebaling National Nature Reserve

    • 摘要: 利用植被图,在GIS软件ARC/INFO支持下提取植被景观斑块信息,对植被景观斑块的面积,周长、斑块数及景观多样性等特征进行了景观格局分析。结果表明,从景观组分的面积,周长分布,斑块密度分析,马尾松林,中亚热带丘陵低山常绿阔叶林和中亚热带山地常绿阔叶林是该保护区的主导景观类型;从斑块面积特征和周长特征分析,中亚热带山地常绿阔叶林和中亚热带丘陵低山常绿阔叶林的破碎化程度最低,植被的保护较为完整;马尾松林的斑块数量多,孔隙度最大,对景观的形成有主要的影响;景观组分类型多样性的Shannon指数以类型斑块数最大,类型面积最小。


      Abstract: The landscape pattern of National Chebaling Nature Reserve was analyzed based on GIS by utilizing vegetation map. Results showed that forest type are the main component of vegetation in this region. The degrees of fragmentation of mid subtropical mountain evergreen broadleaf forest and mid subtropical hill and low mountain evergreen broadleaf forest were smaller. Pinus massoniana stand had the main impact on the formation of landscape pattern. The Shannon index of landscape diversity of type number was the biggest and of type area was the smallest.


