
    Effects of intercropping on nitrogen component in latosolic red soil of slope land in young orchard

    • 摘要:
      目的  探讨赤红壤坡地幼龄果园不同间作模式对土壤氮组分的影响,筛选出提高果园土壤氮素有效性的优化间作模式。
      方法  通过2季(2015年秋季和2016年春季)野外定位试验,以龙眼Dimocarpus longan (Dl)单作为对照(CK),研究幼龄龙眼园3种间作模式龙眼/花生Arachis hypogaea (Dl/Ah)、龙眼/柱花草Stylosanthes guianensis (Dl/Sg)和龙眼/黑麦草 Lolium perenne (Dl/Lp)对土壤全氮(TN)、碱解氮(AN)、硝态氮(NO3–N)、溶解性有机氮(DON)和微生物生物量氮(MBN)等氮组分含量的影响。
      结果  2季花生成熟期,间作处理土壤MBN含量显著高于CK, Dl/Ah和Dl/Sg处理土壤TN含量显著高于CK;2季花生花针期,Dl/Ah处理土壤DON和AN含量均显著高于CK;2016年春季花生花针期,Dl/Ah和Dl/Sg处理土壤NO3–N含量分别比CK显著提高了64.4%和34.2%。土壤TN、DON、NO3–N含量与植株C含量、C/N呈显著负相关关系,与植株N含量呈显著正相关关系。
      结论  幼龄果园间作花生和柱花草可以显著提高土壤各氮组分含量,间作花生的效果更佳。


      Objective  To explore the effects of different intercropping patterns on nitrogen components of latosolic red soil of slope land in young orchard, and identify an optimal intercropping pattern that could improve soil nitrogen availability in orchard.
      Method  A field experiment was carried out in Dimocarpus longan (Dl) orchard for two seasons (in autumn of 2015 and spring of 2016) to investigate the effects of four planting patterns Dl monoculture (CK), Dl intercropping with Arachis hypogaea (Dl/Ah), Dl intercropping with Stylosanthes guianensis (Dl/Sg) and Dl intercropping with Lolium perenne (Dl/Lp) on the contents of soil total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen (AN), NO3-N, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and micrbial biomass nitrogen (MBN).
      Result  Soil TN contents of Dl/Ah and Dl/Sg treatments and soil MBN contents of intercropping treatments were significantly higher than that of CK at the maturing stage of A. hypogaea in two seasons. At the pegging stage of A. hypogaea in two seasons, soil DON and AN contents of Dl/Ah treatment were significantly higher than that of CK. NO3-N contents of Dl/Ah and Dl/Sg treatments were significantly higher than that of CK, and enhanced by 64.4% and 34.2% respectively at the pegging stage of A. hypogaea in 2016. Soil TN, DON and NO3-N contents had a significantly positive correlation with plant nitrogen content, but were negatively correlated with the carbon content and carbon/nitrogen ratio of plant.
      Conclusion  Dl/Ah and Dl/Sg treatments could significantly improve soil nitrogen component contents, and Dl/Ah treatment was better.


