
    Description of Three New Recorded Species of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Extracted from Rhizosphere of Potato in China

    • 摘要: 记述了从马铃薯根际采集分离鉴定的3种植物寄生线虫:剑状拟滑刃线虫Paraphelenchus aconitioides Talor & Pillai,1967、光尾类短体线虫Pratylenchoides leiocauda Sher,1970和卢斯短体线虫Pratylenchus loosi Loof,1960,3种皆为中国马铃薯新记录种.


      Abstract: Three plant parasitic nematodes extracted from rhizosphere of potato in China were identified,which was Paraphelenchus aconitioides Talor & Pillai,1967, Pratylenchoides leiocauda Sher ,1970 and Pratylenchus loosi Loof,1960, and they were new host recorded species of potato in China.


