刘珍云, 王青来, 向有为, 王建兰, 刘敬顺, 李娅兰, 武亮, 蔡更元, 吴珍芳. 皮特兰专门化品系S11的选育[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40(S1): 19-24.
    引用本文: 刘珍云, 王青来, 向有为, 王建兰, 刘敬顺, 李娅兰, 武亮, 蔡更元, 吴珍芳. 皮特兰专门化品系S11的选育[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40(S1): 19-24.
    LIU Zhenyun, WANG Qinglai, XIANG Youwei, WANG Jianlan, LIU Jingshun, LI Yalan, WU Liang, CAI Gengyuan, WU Zhenfang. Breeding of Pietrain specialized line S11[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2019, 40(S1): 19-24.
    Citation: LIU Zhenyun, WANG Qinglai, XIANG Youwei, WANG Jianlan, LIU Jingshun, LI Yalan, WU Liang, CAI Gengyuan, WU Zhenfang. Breeding of Pietrain specialized line S11[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2019, 40(S1): 19-24.


    Breeding of Pietrain specialized line S11

    • 摘要: 2001年从法国Hybrids公司引进皮特兰母猪53头和公猪7头,2009年从法国Nucleus种猪公司引进皮特兰母猪150头和4个血统,组建基础群。采用开放式继代选育方法,适当引入外血,并对生长发育等性状进行测定。采用BLUP法结合分子标记选择及基因组选择等技术,经过13年选育得到皮特兰S11,并将该品系培育为肌肉丰满、生长速度快、饲料报酬高、应激敏感基因控制在10%以下、适合作为大体重上市的父系种猪。


      Abstract: The nucleus herd was maily composed of 53 sows and 7 boars of Pietrain which were imported from Hybrids Company of France in 2001, and 150 sows and 4 unrelated boars of Pietrain which were imported from Nucleus Company of France in 2009. The open systematic breeding method was used with proper introduction of superior boar semen. Growth and development performances were tested during the improvement period. The Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) method and Molecule Maker Selection and Genomic Selection technology were integrated and implemented. The specialized line S11 was obtained after 13 years of breeding. This line S11 possessed the characters of muscular fullness, fast growth and high feed converse efficiency, and the stressed halothane gene was lower than 10%. The line S11 was a suitable sire line for producing high weight slaughter pigs.


