余如榈. 东南亚猪的遗传育种[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2005, 26(Z1).
    引用本文: 余如榈. 东南亚猪的遗传育种[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2005, 26(Z1).
    Thomas J. T. YU. Swine genetics and breeding in Southeast Asia[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2005, 26(Z1).
    Citation: Thomas J. T. YU. Swine genetics and breeding in Southeast Asia[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2005, 26(Z1).


    Swine genetics and breeding in Southeast Asia

    • 摘要: 简要地回顾了东南亚猪近50年来的猪品种改良历程,重点阐述了泰国正大集团在猪育种上的发展过程,分析了现行的猪繁育体系结构.对猪育种的基本原则、性状遗传相关的影响、杂种优势的利用、育种与环境的关系、市场需求导向等进行了讨论.在总结作者从事养猪生产50余年经验的基础上,对目前东南亚猪的育种提出了有参考价值的建议.


      Abstract: The history of swine breeding improvement in Southeast Asia during the recent fifty years was reviewed. The progress and present breeding structure of swine breeding in Charoen Pokphand Co. LTD was discussed. Also, the swine breeding principles, genetic correlations between traits, heterosis utilization, relation between breeding and environment, promotion of market requirement, etc, were discussed. Based on the experience of fifty years work on swine production, the author gave some valuable suggestion for the swine breeding in Southeast Asia.


