
    Detertion of Bacteriocin Production Ability of Ralstonia solanacearum

    • 摘要: 对来自15种寄主植物的135个青枯菌株(Ralstonia solanacearum)的产细菌素能力进行了测定,3种指示菌分别为对番茄、烟草和桑树有强致病力的青枯菌株Tm46、Tb32和M1。测定结果表明,在135个试验菌株中,能产生细菌素的菌株有59个,占总数的43.7%.这些菌株产生的细菌素的专化性不同,它们分别对3种、2种和1种指示菌有抑菌作用。


      Abstract: One hundred and thirty five strains of Ralstonia solanacearum fiom 15 different host plantswere test for bacteriocin productivity by using strains Tm46, Tb32 and M1 as indicators. Strains Tm46,Tb32 and M1 were highly virulent to tomato, tobacco and mulberry respectively. The results indicatedthat about 43. 7% of the isolates tested were able to produce bacteriocin in PSA agar medium with different specificities. Some strains such as Tm3, Tb30 and Eu1 had relatively wide inhibiting spectrum.These results would be useful to search for biological control agents of plant bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum.


