陈玉芬,杨军,顾尉蓝,伍时照. 广州地区晚造稻田氧化亚氮排放量与施肥灌溉关系的研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (2): 80-84.
    引用本文: 陈玉芬,杨军,顾尉蓝,伍时照. 广州地区晚造稻田氧化亚氮排放量与施肥灌溉关系的研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (2): 80-84.
    Chen Yufen,Yang Jun,Gu Weilan,Wu Shizhao. Relation Between Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux and Fertilization andIrrigation of the Late Rice Paddy-Fields in Guangzhou Area[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (2): 80-84.
    Citation: Chen Yufen,Yang Jun,Gu Weilan,Wu Shizhao. Relation Between Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux and Fertilization andIrrigation of the Late Rice Paddy-Fields in Guangzhou Area[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (2): 80-84.


    Relation Between Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux and Fertilization andIrrigation of the Late Rice Paddy-Fields in Guangzhou Area

    • 摘要: 晚造水稻生长期内田间的N2O排放量与施肥类型和灌溉直接相关,设计4种肥料类型,其N2O的排放通量是化肥:(化肥+猪粪):(化肥+蘑菇肥):猪粪=10:2:1:0,单施化肥小区在整个晚稻生长期内N2O持续排放;稻田淹水时,N2O排放量很低,干水时出现N2O的排放高峰,施肥后稻田淹水能迅速降低N2O的排放量。


      Abstract: Nitrous oxide emission flux had direct relation with the kinds of fertilization and the methodsof irrigation applied to the rice field during the late rice growing season. There were four kinds of fertiliz-ers applied. The mean amounts of N2O emission flux, the ratio of which for the four treatments, i. e.,chemical fertilizer only, chemical fertilizer plus pig muck, chemical fertilizer plus mushroom fertilizer andpig muck only was 10: 2: 1:0. Nitrous oxide continuously flowed from the field applied with only chemicalfertilizer during the whole growing period. Because flooding the rice field would lower down the nitrousoxide emission, while drying the field would result in increase of the emission, flooding the rice fieldwould be an efficient methed to reduce the N2O emission flux atter application of fertilization.


