陈思源,曾玲,梁广文. 玉带凤蝶人工饲料初步研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (1): 13-16.
    引用本文: 陈思源,曾玲,梁广文. 玉带凤蝶人工饲料初步研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (1): 13-16.
    Chen Siyuan,Zeng Ling,Liang Guangwen. Research in Artificial Diet for Multi-Generation Rearing of Papilio xuthus[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (1): 13-16.
    Citation: Chen Siyuan,Zeng Ling,Liang Guangwen. Research in Artificial Diet for Multi-Generation Rearing of Papilio xuthus[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (1): 13-16.


    Research in Artificial Diet for Multi-Generation Rearing of Papilio xuthus

    • 摘要: 在前人经验配方的基础上,调整了主要营养物质组分,采用新的配主组合配制了3种半纯饲料,均可用于玉带凤蝶幼虫的人工饲料饲养。经综合评价以饲料-3为最佳,连续饲养了4代,所得的存活率与蛹重等主要指标相似或高于对照组,可直接用于大量饲料。饲料-1与饲料-2的饲养效果不如对照组。


      Abstract: From the view point of coevolution of Papilio xuthus L. (Lepidoptera:Papilionidae) and its hosts, and based upon the feeding behavior and digestive characteristics, three artificial diets were developed in the rearing program of thrarthropod. Evaluation of the pupal weight showed that diet No.3 was the best for rearing Paplio xuthus L. for four generations: mean pupal weight of larvae feeding on the diet was significantly higher than those feeding on citrus leaves in each generation, and the larval survival rate was significantly higher on diet No.1 and diet No.2.


