黄凤宽 庞雄飞. 应用杀虫剂防治白背飞虱对褐稻虱种群数量的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1992, (1): 10-13.
    引用本文: 黄凤宽 庞雄飞. 应用杀虫剂防治白背飞虱对褐稻虱种群数量的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1992, (1): 10-13.
    Huang Fengkuan Pang Xiongfei. EFFECTS OF SEVERAL INSECTICIDES ON THE RICE BROWN PLANTHOPPER AFTER CONTROLLING THE WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1992, (1): 10-13.
    Citation: Huang Fengkuan Pang Xiongfei. EFFECTS OF SEVERAL INSECTICIDES ON THE RICE BROWN PLANTHOPPER AFTER CONTROLLING THE WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1992, (1): 10-13.



    • 摘要: 本文应用昆虫生命表方法和干扰作用控制指数探讨噻嗪酮(扑虱灵)、叶蝉散、喹硫磷三种杀虫剂对白背飞虱种群的控制作用以及及防治白背飞虱对随后发生的褐稻虱种群数量发展趋势的影响。试验结果表明,主要作用于同翅目昆虫而不杀伤在敌的噻嗪酮,对两种飞虱的效果明显, 对害虫及天敌同样起作用的喹硫磷,反而引起这两种害虫种群数量上升,广谱性的杀虫剂不宜在稻地早期大面积应用。


      Abstract: In thes paper, the life tables and the interference indices of population control (IIPC) were applied as the methods to evaluate the effectiveness of several insecticides (quinphos, MIPC, buproferin) on the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (BPH) populations after controlling the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatellafurcifera (Horvath) populations. At the same time , the population dynamics of natural enemies in paddy field were studied.1. Since the initial densities of natural enemies in paddy field were low, the population sizes of the whitebacked planthopper were controlled effectively by all these insecticides.2. The effectiveness on the BPH population, after controlling the whitebacked planthopper, were different. IIPC of the treatments spraying quinaphos or MIPC were 3. 77 or 2. 44.That is to say, the BPH population sizes would be increased by 3. 77 or 2. 44 times as that of the control. In the treatment spraying buproferin, the IIPC was only 0. 37, that the BPH population size would be decreased.3. The IIPC is an index showing the complex effect of all control factors on the pest population trend. In this case, the IIPC of the various treatments showed the effects of the insecticides on the target pest populations and their natual enemies. In the treatment spraying quinaphos, a broad spectrum insecticide, the IIPC was high. That was because the effects of the natural enemies were decreased by these insecticides. Spraying buproferin, a highly selective insecticides, affected most species of Homoptera, sparing most of the natural enemies, such as the Araneae, carabids and staphylins in the paddy field. As a result, by spraying buproferin, the control effect on the BPH population was exellent


