黄增和 张宗强. 田舍三节叶蜂的生物学及防治[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1991, (2): 80-86.
    引用本文: 黄增和 张宗强. 田舍三节叶蜂的生物学及防治[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1991, (2): 80-86.
    Huang Zenghe Wu Jianfen Zhang Zongqiang. BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE SAWFLY,ARGE PAGANA PANZER[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1991, (2): 80-86.
    Citation: Huang Zenghe Wu Jianfen Zhang Zongqiang. BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE SAWFLY,ARGE PAGANA PANZER[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1991, (2): 80-86.



    • 摘要: 田舍三节叶峰是月季的重要食叶害虫。田间世代重叠。在广东广州,室内饲养年1~9代,以老熟幼虫于土中茧内越冬。卵单个地产于嫩梢组织内,6~12d孵化。幼虫5~6龄,历期8.5~18.0d。幼虫早期群聚,末期分散,老熟时下地入土结茧。蛹期8~13.5d。老熟幼虫常滞育。成虫羽化后即可交配和交卵。成虫寿命1.5~9.5d。两性或孤雌生殖。 对2~4龄幼虫喷洒90%敌百虫晶体、80%敌敌畏乳剂、75%辛硫磷乳剂、50%马拉松乳剂、10%氯氰菊酯乳剂、50%乐果乳剂以及40%氧化乐果乳剂的水剂均有良好效果。


      Abstract: This paper reports the results of a study on the biology and chemical control of the rose sawfly,Arge pagana Panzer in 1982-1983.It is one of the most important pests of the rose. It was observed that in the field generations overlap. In the insectary ,there were one to nine generations each year in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Winter was passed as mature larvae within cocoons in the soil. The eggs were laid individually in two longitudinal rows, being inserted into a tender stem by means of the female' s strong saw-like ovipositor. The eggs hatched after 6. 0-12. 0 days. The larvae fed on the tender leaves and cause injury to the field-grown rose. When mature, the larvae descended to the ground and spun their cocoons in the soil. Reproduction is bisexual or parthenogenetic. The larva had five to six instars.and larval development lasted 8. 5-18. 0 days. For the pupa it was 8. 0- I 3. 5 days. The adults lived for 1. 5 - 9. 5 days.Laboratory studies showed that spraying with Dipterex, Dichlorphos, Phoxim, Malathion, Pyridaphention, Cymbush.Dimcthoate or Omethoate was very effective in the control of 2nd -4th instar larvae.


