陈志强. 稻瘟病抗性机制研究综述[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1989, (3): 82-91.
    引用本文: 陈志强. 稻瘟病抗性机制研究综述[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1989, (3): 82-91.
    Chen Zhiqiang. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE MECHANISM OF RESISTANCE TO RICE BLAST DISEASE[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1989, (3): 82-91.
    Citation: Chen Zhiqiang. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE MECHANISM OF RESISTANCE TO RICE BLAST DISEASE[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1989, (3): 82-91.



    • 摘要: 水稻对稻瘟病的抗性与温度和湿度等环境因素有关。寄主内含物对抗性产生一定的影响,稻株中硅的含量多抗性较强;感病品种一般含有较多的可溶性氮或氨基酸;抗性品种受病菌侵染后呈现迅速的褐色反应,这与酚的含量有密切关系。这种迅速的褐色反应是稻瘟病菌侵入后寄主产生的一种过敏性反应,在微细结构上表现为表皮细胞或薄壁细胞膜破碎而颗粒化以及叶绿体崩散。这些颗粒化物质可能是寄生为了阻碍入侵病菌进一步生长或使其死亡而产生的植物保护素。实际上,抗性或致病性是水稻品种与病菌生理小种间基因对基因相互作用的结果。


      Abstract: Resistance of rice to Pyricularia oryzae Cav.was considered in relation to environmental factors,such as temperature and humidity,which caused resistance changes by affecting host predisposition or by affecting infection and development of pathogenic fungus.Rice resistance to blast disease was associated with components of the rice plant.Siticification of the epidermis of rice was considered a major factor in physical resistance to blast;the degree of resistance was found to increase in proportion to the amount of silicon accumulated in the plants.A close correlation was found between susceptibility and bontent of soluble nitrogen or amino acids,and a rapid;browning reaction of infected tissues in resistant rice varieties was correlated with the amount of polyphenols in the plants.Further srudies showed that the rapid browning reaction of the host was a hypersensitive reaction caused by penetration of the pathogen,in which phenomenon could be observed broken cell membrane,granulated cytoplasm and disintegrated chlorplaslsin the epidermal and parenchymatous cells.These granules or particles foundin hypersensitive reactions were considered phytoalexins with which thehost arrested further growth of the invading fungus or killed it.However,resistance or pathogenicity is,in fact,a result of gene-to-gene interaction between a variety and a race.Further investigat ions on host-parasite interaction and the real roles,chemical and biological properties of those granules or particles found in rice leaf tissues infected with P.oryzae will be helpful for the perfect understanding of the resistance mechanism and functions of resistant genes in rice plant.


