韩冬梅, 陈泳琪, 张佳丽, 等. 龙眼鲜果贮藏品质采前优化调控技术比较[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2021, 42(1): 61-71. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202004030
    引用本文: 韩冬梅, 陈泳琪, 张佳丽, 等. 龙眼鲜果贮藏品质采前优化调控技术比较[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2021, 42(1): 61-71. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202004030
    HAN Dongmei, CHEN Yongqi, ZHANG Jiali, et al. Comparison of different preharvest technologies to regulate and control storage quality of Dimocarpus longan fruit[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2021, 42(1): 61-71. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202004030
    Citation: HAN Dongmei, CHEN Yongqi, ZHANG Jiali, et al. Comparison of different preharvest technologies to regulate and control storage quality of Dimocarpus longan fruit[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2021, 42(1): 61-71. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202004030


    Comparison of different preharvest technologies to regulate and control storage quality of Dimocarpus longan fruit

    • 摘要:
      目的  探讨采收成熟度、树势与果期管理对龙眼果实采后贮藏性能和货架寿命的影响。
      方法  以‘石硖’龙眼Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Shixia为材料,以果实成熟度、树势、采前调控为试验因素,设计三因素三水平的单因素试验,采用SO2保鲜纸处理采收的果实并于(5±1) ℃低温贮藏50 d,观察其出库和货架好果率(25 ℃左右),比较不同采前处理果实之间的贮藏性能差异。
      结果  80%~85%成熟度的适熟果出库好果率和货架好果率均高于完熟(95%~100%成熟度,CK)和过熟果,且过熟果最差。采前病害防治与营养调控果实的出库好果率和货架好果率均显著高于CK(无调控)(P<0.01),其中,采前病害防治效果最好,出库好果率为93.26%;其次是营养调控,出库好果率为84.23%,CK仅为67.71%。3种树势中,强壮树果实贮藏性最好,其次是衰弱树,CK(中庸树)最差。在所有处理中,采前病害防治果实贮藏效果最好,货架存放4 d好果率为84.86%;强壮树、营养调控和衰弱树果实货架4 d好果率分别为63.23%、56.14%和51.12%;过熟果最差,为26.91%。相关分析结果表明,采收时果肉可溶性固形物含量与果肉SO2残留量、货架质损率均呈显著负相关,但与贮藏效果相关性不明显。
      结论  在龙眼果实生长期,做好采前病害防治和营养调控,合理挂果以保持树势,并于适当成熟度采收果实,可以获得较为理想的贮藏性能和采后寿命。


      Objective  To investigate the influence of fruit maturity at harvest, tree vigour and preharvest regulation on the storage performance and shelf life of Dimocarpus longan fruit.
      Method  D. longan Lour. cv. Shixia fruits were used as experimental material. Three groups of single factor experiments were designed with fruit maturity, tree vigour and preharvest regulation as the experimental factors, and each factor had three levels. The harvested fruits were treated using SO2-released paper and were stored at (5±1) ℃ for 50 days. We observed the good fruit rate after storage (STGFR), and the good fruit rate during shelf life (SFGFR) at (25±1) ℃. The storage performances of fruits with different preharvest treatments were compared.
      Result  Fruits harvested at appropriate maturity (80%−85% maturity degree) had higher STGFR and SFGFR than those at full maturity (95%−100% maturity degree, CK) and over maturity, and the over matured fruits performed the worst. Both preharvest disease control and nutrition regulation treatments resulted in fruits with higher STGFR and SFGFR compared to CK with significant differences (P<0.01). Among them, disease control treatment performed the best with 93.26% STGFR, followed by nutrition regulation treatment (84.23%), and the worst was CK (67.71%). Among three types of trees with different vigor, fruits from strong tree had the best storability, followed by weak tree, and CK(medium tree) was the worst. Among all treatments, the fruit storability of disease control treatment was the best, with a SFGFR of 84.86% after four days on shelf, followed by strong tree, nutrition regulation and week tree treatments, with SFGFR of 63.23%, 56.14% and 51.12% respectively, and the worst was the over matured fruit (26.91%). The results of correlation analysis indicated that the content of total soluble solids in fruit pulp at harvest was significantly negatively correlated with the amount of SO2 residue in pulp and mass loss rate during shelf life, but not correlated with storability.
      Conclusion  During the fruit growth period of D. longan, performing disease control and nutrition regulation, keeping reasonable tree vigour with suitable fruit setting rate, and harvesting at appropriate maturity can help the fruit obtain better storability and longer shelf life.


