朱锋, 陈荣朴, 周华倩, 等. 华南地区优质高产水稻品种(组合)的适应性研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2020, 41(5): 43-48. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202002018
    引用本文: 朱锋, 陈荣朴, 周华倩, 等. 华南地区优质高产水稻品种(组合)的适应性研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2020, 41(5): 43-48. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202002018
    ZHU Feng, CHEN Rongpu, ZHOU Huaqian, et al. Adaptability of rice varieties or combinations with good quality and high yield in South China[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2020, 41(5): 43-48. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202002018
    Citation: ZHU Feng, CHEN Rongpu, ZHOU Huaqian, et al. Adaptability of rice varieties or combinations with good quality and high yield in South China[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2020, 41(5): 43-48. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.202002018


    Adaptability of rice varieties or combinations with good quality and high yield in South China

    • 摘要:
      目的  筛选出适合于华南地区种植的水稻品种(组合)直接用于生产,或作为育种材料间接利用。
      方法  采用完全随机试验设计,2019年早季在广东省珠海市对5个优质高产水稻品种(组合)‘华航48’、‘粳籼优0405’、‘粳籼优0505’、‘软华优1179’和‘软华优6100’进行了示范种植试验,考察了产量性状及其构成因素和外观品质性状,对照为优质稻‘美香占2号’。
      结果  5个参试材料均属于大粒高产类型,单穴有效穗数均不到22,低于对照‘美香占2号’(24);单穗实粒数超过117粒、千粒质量大于20 g,均显著大于对照(对照分别为85.8粒和17.9 g);单穴粒质量大于47.3 g,比对照增产28%以上。5个参试材料外观品质性状均稍逊于对照,表现为粒长<9.7 mm、粒宽>2.5 mm、粒长/粒宽<3.8、粒投影周长<20.5 mm和粒投影面积>16.8 mm2。相关分析结果表明,单穗实粒数、千粒质量、粒宽、粒投影面积与产量呈显著正相关;粒长、粒长/粒宽、粒投影周长与产量呈显著负相关,进一步证实了单穗实粒数与千粒质量的增产作用,也反映了外观品质与产量之间的矛盾。
      结论  ‘华航48’、‘软华优1179’和‘软华优6100’在华南地区早季表现优异,可直接推广应用;‘粳籼优0405’和‘粳籼优0505’适合于产量目标的生产,或作为高产优质育种的中间材料。


      Objective  In order to screen out good quality and high yield rice varieties or combinations suitable to be planted in Southern China for direct production or indirect utilization as breeding materials.
      Method  A complete randomized design was adopted to investigate, the demonstration planting trial was conducted in Zhuhai of Guangdong Province in the early season of 2019, using five varieties or combinations including ‘Huahang 48’, ‘Jingxianyou 0405’, ‘Jingxianyou 0505’, ‘Ruanhuayou 1179’ and ‘Ruanhuayou 6100’ as experimental materials, and the variety of ‘Meixiangzhan 2’ with good quality and high yield as the contrast. Yield traits and yield components as well as exterior quality traits were analyzed.
      Result  All of five test materials belonged to the type of high yield and large grain. Their panicle number per hole were less than 22 panicles, which were lower than that of the contrast ‘Meixiangzhan 2’ with 24 panicles. Filled grain number per panicle and thousand-grain weight of all exceeded 117 and 20 g respectively , being significantly higher than the contrast. Five materials with over 47.3 g grain weight per hole increased production by more 28% compared with the contrast. On the other hand, the exterior qualities of five test materials were slightly inferior to the contrast, with grain length being less than 9.7 mm, grain width more than 2.5 mm, ratio of grain length to width less than 3.8, grain projection girth less than 20.5 mm and grain projection area more than 16.8 mm2. The results of correlation analysis indicated that there were significantly positive correlation between grain number per panicle, thousand-grain weight, grain width, grain projection area and yield, but negative correlation between grain length, ratio of grain length to width, grain projection girth and yield, which confirmed the increasing yield effects from filled grain number per panicle and thousand-grain weight, and reflected the conflict between exterior quality and yield.
      Conclusion  ‘Huahang 48’, ‘Ruanhuayou 1179’ and ‘Ruanhuayou 6100’ have excellent performance in Southern China in early season, which can be directly applied in production. ‘Jingxianyou 0405’ and ‘Jingxianyou 0505’ can be applied to the aim of production to improve yield, or indirectly utilized as the middle breeding materials for high yield and good quality.


