周飞, 曾露苹, 杨旭, 等. 水稻和不同品种苋菜间作对水稻产量、根区速效养分及砷累积的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40(6): 38-44. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.201811037
    引用本文: 周飞, 曾露苹, 杨旭, 等. 水稻和不同品种苋菜间作对水稻产量、根区速效养分及砷累积的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40(6): 38-44. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.201811037
    ZHOU Fei, ZENG Luping, YANG Xu, et al. Effects of rice-amaranth intercropping on rice yield,rhizosphere soil available nutrient and As accumulation[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2019, 40(6): 38-44. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.201811037
    Citation: ZHOU Fei, ZENG Luping, YANG Xu, et al. Effects of rice-amaranth intercropping on rice yield,rhizosphere soil available nutrient and As accumulation[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2019, 40(6): 38-44. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.201811037


    Effects of rice-amaranth intercropping on rice yield,rhizosphere soil available nutrient and As accumulation

    • 摘要:
      目的  探究水稻与苋菜间作对水稻产量、根区速效养分及水稻各部位吸收累积As的影响。
      方法  通过小区试验研究水稻单作(对照)、水稻与圆叶白苋菜间作、水稻与籽粒苋间作、水稻与红苋菜间作条件下水稻产量、根际土壤速效养分与有机质含量、As累积量的变化。
      结果  4个处理水稻收获期地上部、地下部、谷壳和糙米中As含量均表现为:水稻与圆叶白苋菜间作>水稻与籽粒苋间作>水稻与红苋菜间作>水稻单作。与对照相比,水稻与圆叶白苋菜间作显著提高了水稻地上部、地下部、谷壳和糙米As含量,增幅分别为88.50%、65.38%、68.25%和45.45%;对土壤As的提取量为5.44 mg·m−2,显著高于对照,为对照的1.67倍;水稻单株生物量显著高于对照、与红苋菜间作和与籽粒苋间作,地上部生物量比对照提高63.79%。与水稻单作相比,间作处理水稻单位面积产量比对照显著下降,间作中单位面积产量最高的为与圆叶白苋菜间作,为对照的59.15%;间作处理水稻根际土壤速效养分、有机质含量均有不同程度的增加。
      结论  水稻与苋菜间作,水稻单位面积产量降低,地上部、地下部、谷壳和糙米中As含量以及根区土壤速效养分与有机质含量显著提高。水稻与圆叶白苋菜间作能从As污染土壤中提取最多的As,生产出的苋菜符合国家安全标准,为最优方案。


      Objective  To explore the effects of rice-amaranth intercropping on rice yield, rhizosphere soil available nutrient and As accumulation in various parts of rice.
      Method  Through field plot experiment, four treatments including rice monocropping (control), rice-white amaranth intercropping, rice-grain amaranth intercropping and rice-red amaranth intercropping were setted to study the changes of rice yield and As accumulation, rhizosphere soil available nutrient and organic matter contents.
      Result  As contents of shoot, root, husk and brown rice during harvest time in four treatments all behaved as rice-white amaranth intercropping > rice-grain amaranth intercropping > rice-red amaranth intercropping > rice monocropping. Compared with the control, rice-white amaranth intercropping significantly increased As contents of shoot, root, husk and brown rice by 88.50%, 65.38%, 68.25%, 45.45% respectively. As extract amount from soil in rice-white amaranth intercropping treatment reached 5.44 mg·m −2, which was 1.67 times significantly higher than control. The biomass per rice plant in rice-white amaranth intercropping treatment was significantly higher than control, rice-red amaranth intercropping and rice-grain amaranth intercropping, and 63.79% higher than control. Compared with control, intercropping treatments significantly reduced rice yield per unit area. Rice-white amaranth intercropping had the highest yield per unit area, which was 59.15% of control. The available nutrient and organic matter contents in rice rhizosphere soil increased in different degrees compared with monoculture.
      Conclusion  Rice-amaranth intercropping reduces rice yield per unit area, and significantly increases As contents in shoot, root, husk and brown rice, and available nutrient and organic matter contents in rhizosphere soil. Rice-white amaranth intercropping is the optimal scheme, as it extract the most As in As contaminated soil, and the grown amaranth meets national safety standards.


