
    Inhibitory effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens gfj-4 fermentation supernatant and its mixtures with chemical fungicides against Exserohilum turcicum

    • 摘要:
      目的  探究解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens菌株gfj-4次级代谢产物及与化学杀菌剂的复配剂对玉米大斑病病菌Exserohilum turcicum的抑制活性。
      方法  采用菌丝生长速率法,测定了种子液培养时间、发酵时间对抑菌物质产生的影响以及发酵上清液、脂肽粗提物、发酵上清液与7种化学杀菌剂混配对病菌的抑制效果。
      结果  解淀粉芽孢杆菌gfj-4种子液最佳培养时间为6 h,最适发酵时间为72 h;发酵上清液和脂肽粗提物对病菌的EC50分别为0.32和0.11 μL·mL–1。玉米大斑病菌对苯醚甲环唑、戊唑醇、腐霉利和腈菌唑的敏感性较高,其中苯醚甲环唑对病菌的EC50达0.10 μg·mL–1;代森锰锌和福美双对病菌的EC50分别为12.03和12.08 μg·mL–1,而丙森锌对病菌的抑制活性较差,EC50为24.73 μg·mL–1。生防菌gfj-4发酵上清液和苯醚甲环唑混配主要表现为相加作用,其中以体积比3∶7混配的毒性比最高,为1.28;发酵上清液与代森锰锌、丙森锌都以体积比2∶8混配的毒性比最高,分别为1.28和1.67。
      结论  解淀粉芽孢杆菌gfj-4及其与苯醚甲环唑、丙森锌的混配剂在农药减量增效方面具有重要的利用价值。


      Objective  To elucidate the inhibitory activities of the secondary metabolites of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens gfj-4 and their mixtures with chemical fungicides against Exserohilum turcicum.
      Method  Based on the mycelium growth rate, we determined the effects of different culture and fermentation times of seed broth and fermentation time on the production of antifungal substances, and evaluated the inhibition effects of fermentation supernatant, lipopeptide crude extracts, and mixtures of fermentation supernatant and seven chemical fungicides.
      Result  The most suitable incubation time of seed broth was 6 h and the appropriate fermentation time was 72 h. The EC50 against E. turcicum of the fermentation supernatant and lipopeptide crude extract were 0.32 and 0.11 μL·mL–1, respectively. E. turcicum showed a high sensitivity to difenoconazole, tebuconazole, procymidone and myclobutanil. Among them, difenoconazole had the highest inhibitory activity against E. turcicum with EC50 of 0.10 μg·mL–1. Themancozeb and thiram had similar inhibitory activities with EC50 of 12.03 and 12.08 μg·mL–1, respectively. The inhibitory effect of propineb on E. turcicum was the worst with EC50 of 24.73 μg·mL–1. The gfj-4 fermentation supernatant and difenoconazole had the additive effect, and the mixture with a volume ratio of 3∶7 had the highest toxicity ratio of 1.28. The fermentation supernatant mixed with mancozeb or propineb in a volume ratio of 2∶8 both had the highest toxicity ratio of 1.28 or 1.67, respectively.
      Conclusion  B. amyloliquefaciens gfj-4 and its mixture with difenoconazole or propineb have important application values in pesticide reduction and synergism.


