
    Effect of medium element fertilizer producted by synergistic single superphosphate calcium

    • 摘要:
      目的  探究新款中量元素肥料的肥效及其增产机理。
      方法  对普通过磷酸钙(Single superphosphate calcium)进行增效处理以生产中量元素包膜肥料,所用方法包括:过磷酸钙氨化,加入腐殖酸、氨基酸和黏结剂等进行造粒,风干后加入植物生长调节剂、生物菌剂、防结块剂和包裹油等进行包膜。并分别进行生菜盆栽试验以及油菜和花生田间试验,分析作物的农艺性状及生理指标,验证新款肥料的效果。
      结果  从扫描电镜观察结果来看,生产的中量元素包膜肥料具有包膜层,可以起到缓释的作用。能谱分析表明,生产的中量元素包膜肥料可以为作物提供P、Ca、Mg和S等多种养分。生菜盆栽试验数据表明,增效过磷酸钙生产的中量元素包膜肥料比普通过磷酸钙增产了10.8%~35.9%。田间试验结果表明,与施用简单增效过磷酸钙处理相比,生产的中量元素包膜肥料使油菜和花生分别增产64.5%~89.7%和9.2%~11.1%;产品肥效优于市售钙镁肥。
      结论  过磷酸钙经过氨化、造粒和包膜等增效技术生产的中量元素肥料,可以促进作物对Ca、Mg和S的吸收,提高了过磷酸钙在作物体内的转运和分配效率。该产品可以工厂化生产,并推向市场。


      Objective  To explore the fertilizer effect of new medium element fertilizer and its mechanism of increasing production.
      Method  The synergistic single superphosphate calcium was used to produce medium element coated fertilizer. The synergizing methods included single superphosphate calcium ammonization, humic acid, amino acid and binding agents were added for granulation; After drying, plant growth regulators, biological agents, anti-caking agents and parcel oil were added to coat the fertilizer. The pot experiment of lettuce and the field experiments of rape seed and peanut were carried out. The effect of new fertilizer was verified by analyzing the crop agronomic characteristics and physiological indexes.
      Result  The scanning electron microscope (SEM) result showed that the specific coating layer of the new fertilizer played a slow release effect. The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) result showed that the new fertilizer could provide various nutrients such as P, Ca, Mg and S for crops. The lettuce pot experiment showed that the yield of medium element coated fertilizer produced by synergistic single superphosphate calcium increased 10.8%–35.9% than that of common single superphosphate calcium. The field experiments showed that compared with simple synergistic single superphosphate calcium treatment, the medium element coated fertilizer increased the yield of rape seed and peanut by 64.5%–89.7% and 9.2%–11.1%, respectively, and the product efficiency was better than that of calcium-magnesium fertilizer on the market.
      Conclusion  Single superphosphate calcium fertilizer produced by synergistic techniques such as ammonization, granulation and coating can promote the absorption of Ca, Mg and S by crops and their transport and distribution efficiency in vivo. This product can be industrialized and brought to market.


