李奇, 吴在敬, 林芳源, 等. 水分和密度对化感水稻产量、品质及籽粒中Pb、Cd含量的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2018, 39(4): 25-32. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2018.04.005
    引用本文: 李奇, 吴在敬, 林芳源, 等. 水分和密度对化感水稻产量、品质及籽粒中Pb、Cd含量的影响[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2018, 39(4): 25-32. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2018.04.005
    LI Qi, WU Zaijing, LIN Fangyuan, HU Fei. Effects of water managements and planting densities on allelopathic rice yields, qualities and the contents of Pb and Cd in rice grains[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2018, 39(4): 25-32. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2018.04.005
    Citation: LI Qi, WU Zaijing, LIN Fangyuan, HU Fei. Effects of water managements and planting densities on allelopathic rice yields, qualities and the contents of Pb and Cd in rice grains[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2018, 39(4): 25-32. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2018.04.005


    Effects of water managements and planting densities on allelopathic rice yields, qualities and the contents of Pb and Cd in rice grains

    • 摘要:
      目的  探讨化感水稻产量、品质及重金属含量与水分管理和种植密度的关系,更好地发挥化感水稻环境友好的特点。
      方法  以‘化感稻3号’、‘化两优78号’以及早季的‘玉香油占’和晚季的‘百香占’为材料,研究不同水分管理(孕穗期晒田WN、孕穗期不晒田WS)和种植密度(高密度DH、当地种植密度DN)处理下稻米的产量、品质以及籽粒中Pb和Cd含量的变化。
      结果  稻米产量和品质在不同水分和密度管理条件下差异不显著,但在品种间有显著差异,表现为‘化两优78号’产量高于其他品种。WSDN处理显著降低了常规稻‘百香占’的精米率,但对化感品种影响不显著。WS处理降低了稻米Pb和Cd含量,尤其是显著降低了化感稻米Cd含量。密度和品种对稻米Pb和Cd含量影响不显著。
      结论  水分和密度处理对化感水稻的产量和稻米品质影响不显著,但WS处理能够显著降低化感水稻籽粒中Cd含量。


      Objective  To investigate the relationships of the yields, qualities and heavy metals contents of allelopathic rice with water managements and planting densities, and make better use of environmentally friendly characteristics of allelopathic rice.
      Method  The rice materials, including ‘Allelopathy rice No.3’, ‘Hualiangyou 78’, ‘Yuxiangyouzhan’ in early season and ‘Baixiangzhan’ in late season, were cultivated under two different water managements (WN: paddy field drainage during booting stage, WS: paddy field continuous irrigation during booting stage) and two different planting densities (DH: high planting density, DN: local planting density). And then their yields, qualities, and Pb and Cd contents in grains were investigated.
      Result  The rice yields and qualities had no significant differences in different water and density treatments, but differed among rice cultivars. ‘Hualiangyou 78’ yield was the highest in all materials. WSDN treatment significantly reduced the milled rice percentage of ‘Baixiangzhan’, but had no significant effect on allelopathic rice cultivars. WS treatment reduced the contents of Pb and Cd in rice grains, especially the contents of Cd in allelopathic rice cultivars. The planting densities and rice cultivars had no significant effect on Pb and Cd contents in rice grains.
      Conclusion  Both water and density treatments have no significant effect on yields and qualities of allelopathic rice materials, but WS can significantly reduce the Cd contents of allelopathic rice grains.


