
    Occurrence of plaster disease in Phellodendron chinense and physiological response under different stand conditions

    • 摘要:
      目的  探讨林分因子、黄柏抗性生理指标与黄柏膏药病发生程度之间的相关性。
      方法  采用踏查法进行调查,以树皮肿胀度代表含水量,采用考马斯亮蓝G250法测定蛋白质含量,氮蓝四唑光化还原法测定酶活性,硫代巴比妥酸比色法测定丙二醛含量。
      结果  树龄大的黄柏,病情指数更高,阴坡比阳坡发病率高,树种组成单一的黄柏林更易发病。黄柏感病后,树皮含水量大大降低,树皮相对肿胀度与发病率、病情指数极显著负相关。3个样地健康黄柏防御酶活性均较高,感病黄柏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性波动较大,过氧化物酶(POD)和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性呈显著下降趋势,3种酶活性与病情指数为显著或极显著负相关。感病黄柏树皮中的可溶性蛋白和丙二醛含量在病害发生最严重时期显著升高。
      结论  树龄、地形、树种组成等因子对黄柏膏药病的发生有显著影响;树皮含水量、防御酶(SOD、POD、PAL)活性、丙二醛含量等抗性生理指标受病害影响显著。


      Objective  To study the correlation between stand factors, physiological indexes of resistance and occurrence degree of plaster disease in Phellodendron chinense.
      Method  Incidence and disease index of plaster disease were investigated by field survey. Moisture content was represented by bark swelling degree. Protein contents were determined by the Coomassie brilliant blue (G250) method. Enzyme activities were determined by measuring the inhibition of photochemical reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium. MDA content was measured by thiobarbituric acid colorimetric assay.
      Result  The disease index was higher for P. chinense with older tree age. The disease incidence was higher in shady slope compared with sunny slope. The P. chinense forest with single-species composition was more susceptible to disease. After affected with plaster disease, the moisture content of P. chinense bark largely reduced. The relative bark swelling degree had highly significant negative correlation with disease incidence and disease index. The defense enzyme activities of healthy P. chinense bark in three sample plots were higher than those of diseased bark. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity fluctuated greatly, and peroxidase (POD) and phenylalaninammo nialyase (PAL) activities showed significant downward trends for diseased P. chinense. The activities of three enzymes had significant or highly significant negative correlation with disease index. The soluble protein and MDA contents of diseased P. chinense bark significantly increased in the most serious period of disease occurrence.
      Conclusion  Tree age, terrain, species composition had significant influence on occurrence of plaster disease in P. chinense. The bark water content, defensive enzyme activities and MDA content are significantly affected by this disease.


