
    Injury to immune organs of piglets from three kinds of PRRS vaccine

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究3种高致病性猪蓝耳病(PRRS)疫苗(MLV、TJM92、JXA-1R)对仔猪免疫器官的损伤作用。
      方法 选取50头初生健康仔猪,分为4组进行免疫:未免疫空白对照组(CK组)、MLV疫苗免疫组(A组)、TJM92疫苗免疫组(B组)、JXA-1R疫苗免疫组(C组)。病理剖检后, 制作石蜡切片,通过优化的酯酶染色(α-ANE染色)、甲基绿-派洛宁染色(MG-P)方法统计各免疫器官的酯酶阳性T淋巴细胞和浆细胞(效应B淋巴细胞)比率变化。
      结果 各免疫组的免疫器官酯酶阳性T淋巴细胞和浆细胞所占百分比与对照组存在显著或极显著差异。
      结论 3种疫苗对仔猪免疫器官均有不同程度的损伤作用,具体表现为JXA-1R疫苗损伤作用最强,TJM92疫苗次之,MLV疫苗最弱。


      Objective To study the injury to immune organs of piglets from three kinds of PRRS vaccine(MLV, TJM 92 and JXA-1R vaccines).
      Method Fifty new-born healthy piglets were devided into four groups:non-immunized control group(CK group), MLV vaccine group(A group), TJM 92 vaccine group (B group), JXA-1R vaccine group (C group). Every piglit in the experimental group were vaccinated. Then paraffin sections were prepared after pathological anatomy. Changes in percentages of esterase-positive T cells and plasma cells (effector B cells) of different immune organs were summarized by using optimized esterase (α-NAE) and methyl green-pyronin (MG-P) staining.
      Result There were significant or highly significant differences in the percentages of esterase-positive T cells and plasma cells of immune organs between each immunized group and CK group.
      Conclusion Three kinds of vaccine all have injuries to immune organs of piglets. Injury from JXA-1R vaccine is the strongest, followed by TJM92 vaccine and then MLV vaccine.


