
    Genetic diversity analysis of main agronomic traits in Ricinus communis germplasm resources

    • 摘要:
      目的  研究蓖麻Ricinus communis种质资源的遗传多样性,揭示蓖麻优异种质的特性及分布规律,为蓖麻种质资源创新和品种的改良提供理论依据。
      方法  以国内外引进的40份蓖麻种质资源为材料,对20个性状进行聚类分析及主成分分析,分析了蓖麻数量性状对单株产量的影响。
      结果  40份资源材料通过聚类分析划分为5大类群,其中,类群Ⅰ为选育大果穗亲本材料;类群Ⅱ为大粒型具有增产潜力的亲本材料;类群Ⅲ为分枝多、蒴果多,小粒型材料;类群Ⅳ为丰产性较好,选育高产的目标亲本;类群Ⅴ为大穗、大粒型双重选育亲本材料。主成分分析将蓖麻的13个数量性状指标转化为5个主成分,累计贡献率达87.06%;在影响蓖麻单株产量的性状中,首先应考虑主穗位高,其次是单株有效蒴果数、主穗蒴果数、百粒质量和单株有效穗数的选择,依据这些性状可以对种质资源进行早期间接评价选择。
      结论  所引进的蓖麻种质类型丰富、资源间的性状差异各具特点,可作为优异种质材料供将来选育种利用。


      Objective  To study the genetic diversity of castor (Ricinus communis)germplasm resources, reveal the characteristic and distribution of excellent germplasm, and provide a theoretical basis for castor germplasm resources innovation and breed improvement.
      Method  Fourty castor germplasm resources from China and abroad were used as material, and 20 traits were assessed by the clustering method and principal component analysis. The effects of castor quantitative characters on yield per plant were analayzed.
      Result  The results of cluster analysis showed 40 germplasm resources belonged to five groups (Ⅰ-Ⅴ). Group Ⅰ was the parents of progenies with large raceme, group Ⅱ was the parents of progenies with large seed size and high yield potential, group Ⅲ was the parents of progenies with small seed size, more branch and capsule, group Ⅳ was the parents of progenies with high yield, and group Ⅴ was the parents of progenies with both large raceme and seed size. According to the results of principal component analysis, thirteen quantitative traits were classified to five major factors, namely bearing height of primary raceme, effective capsule number, capsule number of primary raceme, hundred-grain weight and effective raceme number of single plant. The cumulative contribution was about 87.06%, and the bearing height of primary raceme was the essential factor.
      Conclusion  Fourty germplasm resources possess rich germplasm types and different traits, and might be used as excellent germplasm materials for breeding in future.


