欧泳欣, 翁殊斐, 冯嘉仪, 李碧洳. 华南地区5种园林树木修剪截口愈合特性[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2017, 38(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2017.02.019
    引用本文: 欧泳欣, 翁殊斐, 冯嘉仪, 李碧洳. 华南地区5种园林树木修剪截口愈合特性[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2017, 38(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2017.02.019
    TAN Weizheng, XU Hualin, CHEN Yimin, ZHAO Wanyi. Closure characteristics in pruning wounds of five species of landscape trees in South China[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2017, 38(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2017.02.019
    Citation: TAN Weizheng, XU Hualin, CHEN Yimin, ZHAO Wanyi. Closure characteristics in pruning wounds of five species of landscape trees in South China[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2017, 38(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2017.02.019


    Closure characteristics in pruning wounds of five species of landscape trees in South China

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究华南地区园林树木修剪截口在修剪2年内的愈合进程,探究修剪截口愈合特性,为园林树木修剪提供理论依据。
      方法 于2013年12月对5种园林树木3种规格的450个枝条进行修剪试验,修剪后每3个月跟踪测量修剪截口的愈合进程,分析树种特性、截口规格以及季节变化等因素在截口愈合反应中的表现差异。
      结果 白兰Michelia alba和芒果Mangifera indica截口愈合速度较快,修剪2年后愈合率分别达94.80%和92.38%,且在截口直径20~ < 30 mm和30~ < 40 mm的规格水平下愈合速度较快;蒲桃Syzygium jambos、洋紫荆Bauhinia variegata、黄葛榕Ficus viren截口愈合速度较慢,修剪2年后愈合率分别为82.23%、64.95%和70.99%,且在10~ < 20 mm规格下愈合速度较快;截口愈合进程总体表现为第1年由修剪初始到3月增长缓慢,3—6月增长加速,6—9月增长最快,9—12月增长减缓,与树木年生长物候相一致;第2年愈合速度减慢。
      结论 修剪规格对截口愈合的影响因树种而异,截口愈合速度与树木生长速度有紧密联系。


      Objective Closing process of landscape trees in South China was studied in two years after pruning, in order to explore the closure mechanism of pruning wounds, and provide a theoretical basis for landscape tree pruning practice.
      Method Branches in three sizes from five species of landscape trees were trimmed in December 2013. Measurements of the wound closing process were taken every three months from December 2014 to December 2015. Differences in wound closure abilities caused by species characteristics, wound sizes and seasonal changes were analyzed.
      Result The wound closure rates of Michelia alba and Mangifera indica were relatively higher (94.80% and 92.38%) compared to other species, and the wounds of 20- < 30 mm and 30- < 40 mm diameters closed faster compared to 10- < 20 mm wounds. The wound closure rates of Syzygium jambos, Bauhinia variegata and Ficus virens were relatively lower (82.23%, 64.95% and 70.99%), and the wounds of 10- < 20 mm diameter closed faster. The wound closure process was generally slow from the time of pruning to March, accelerated from March to June, was the fastest from June to September, and slowed down from September to December in the first year, which was consistent with the changes in tree growth rates during annual growth periods. The wound closure process was slow in the second year.
      Conclusion Wound size influences wound closure rate differentially among species. Wound closure rate is closely associated with the tree growth rate


