
    Assessment of multi-function of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Qingyang area

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究陇东地区甘肃省庆阳市油松人工林多功能发挥情况,构建评价模型,为该地区森林经营提供科学依据。
      方法 以庆阳市油松人工林为研究对象,在下属7县选取63块样地进行调查,采用层次分析法构建多功能评价指标体系,从油松人工林涵养水源、固碳放氧、生物多样性保护和优质种源保存4种功能中筛选11项评价指标,结合调查数据和专家打分的方式确定各指标权重,计算各样地的多功能贡献总分,采用正态等距划分将处于不同地区的油松林多功能评价指标划分为5个等级。
      结果 庆阳地区油松人工林多功能发挥水平最高的是水源涵养功能,其次是生物多样性保护功能;固碳放氧功能和优良种源保存功能发挥水平偏低。油松人工林多功能发挥高效、较高效、中效、较低效和低效的比例分别为12.7%、25.4%、31.75%、25.4%和4.76%,总体多功能发挥一般,发挥最好的地区是正宁县,最差的地区为镇原县。
      结论 运用层次分析法能有效进行森林多功能评价,应采取经营抚育措施提高庆阳市森林多功能的发挥。


      Objective To investigate the multi-function of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Qingyang, Gansu Province, establish an evaluation system, and provide a scientific basis for the forest management in Qingyang area.
      Method We surveyed 63 sample plots of P. tabulaeformis plantations from seven counties of Qingyang, and used analytic hierarchy process(AHP) to establish the multi-function evaluation index system. Eleven indexes were chosen from four functions including water conservation, carbon fixation and oxygen release, biodiversity conservation and excellent provenance preservation. The weights of different indexes were determined using the surveyed data and expert scoring. The total scores for multi-functions of different sample plots were calculated. Using normal equidistant partition, evaluation indexes of plantations of different counties were divided into five categories.
      Result For the P. tabulaeformis plantation in Qingyang, the water conservation function had the highest effect, followed by the biodiversity protection function. The functions of carbon fixation and oxygen release and excellent provenance preservation had relatively low effect. The proportions of sample plots that had high effect, moderate high effect, medium effect, moderate low effect and low effect for their multi-functions were 12.7%, 25.4%, 31.75%, 25.4% and 4.76% respectively. The performance was the best in Zhengning County and the worst in Zhenyuan County. The overall effect of multi-function of P. tabulaeformis plantation in Qianyang was ordinary.
      Conclusion AHP can be used to effectively evaluate forest multi-function. We should take management measures to improve the multi-function of Qingyang forests.


