
    Characteristic differences of the sediment under four mangrove species in Nansha Wetland, Guangzhou

    • 摘要:
      目的 比较外来红树植物(无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala、拉关木Laguncularia racemosa)和本地红树植物(桐花树Aegiceras corniculatum、卤蕨Acrostichum aureum)的底泥特性,了解外来植物对湿地生态环境潜在的影响。
      方法 采用仪器原位测定及土壤常规测定法分析广州南沙湿地公园4种植物林下底泥的温度、pH、氧化还原电位(Eh)、电导率、有机质和营养元素(N、P、K)含量及机械组成。
      结果 外来植物底泥温度(无瓣海桑15.59 ℃、拉关木16.85 ℃)比本地植物(桐花树15.18 ℃、卤蕨15.06 ℃)的高;外来植物底泥pH(无瓣海桑6.97、拉关木6.54) 小于本地植物(桐花树7.21、卤蕨7.09);拉关木底泥的Eh(30.16 mV)显著高于其他3种植物(无瓣海桑-5.02 mV、桐花树-11.99 mV、卤蕨-4.85 mV)。外来植物底泥有机质质量分数(无瓣海桑8.41%、拉关木8.75%)显著低于本地植物(桐花树10.22%、卤蕨10.25%)。无瓣海桑底泥为砂质黏壤土,可能导致有效K含量有显著降低,其他3种植物底泥均为壤质黏土。
      结论 外来红树植物和本地红树植物的底泥生态因子有明显差异。外来植物生长迅速,可能加快了有机质分解与物质循环过程,从而改变了底泥的特性。


      Objective To compare the sediment characteristics under exotic mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala, Laguncularia racemosa) and native mangrove species (Aegiceras corniculatum, Acrostichum aureum), so as to better understand the potential ecological impacts of exotic species on the wetland environment.
      Method The temperature, pH, redox potential (Eh), conductivity, contents of organic matter and nutrients (N, P, K), and texture of sediments under these four species in Nansha Wetland, Guangzhou were measured by using in situ measurement instruments and the common analysis methods of soil.
      Result The sediment temperatures of exotic species (S. apetala 15.59 ℃, L. racemosa 16.85 ℃) were higher compared to native species(A. corniculatum 15.18 ℃, A. aureum 15.06 ℃). The sediment pH of exotic species(S. apetala 6.97, L. racemosa 6.54) were lower compared to native species (A. corniculatum 7.21, A.aureum 7.09). The sediment Eh of L. racemosa (30.16 mV) was significantly higher compared to other three species (S. apetala -5.02 mV, A. corniculatum -11.99 mV, A. aureum -4.85 mV). The contents of organic matter in the sediments under exotic species(S. apetala 8.41%, L. racemosa 8.75%)were significantly lower compared to native species (A. corniculatum 10.22%, A.aureum 10.25%). The sediment under S. apetala was sandy clay loam, which could be related to its significantly low effective K content since the sediments under other three species were all loamy clay.
      Conclusion There are evident differences in the ecological factors of sediments between extotic and native mangroves. Fast growing of exotic mangroves may accelarate the decomposition of organic matter in sediments and cycling of substances, and therefore lead to changes in sediment characteristics.


