
    Geographic variations in growth traits of different Melia azedarach provenances in the young forest period

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解苦楝Melia azedarach种源的生长性状地理变异及其规律,选择适宜在广东地区造林的优良种源,为苦楝造林种子调拨提供依据。
      方法 采集苦楝分布区53个种源,在广州增城开展种源试验,观测了幼林期树高、地径、侧枝数、干型和冠幅等性状,分析其地理变异规律,并探讨种源地理变异的气候生态学基础。
      结果 各种源在6个性状间均存在明显的差异,其中树高和地径在种源间的差异最大,变异幅度分别为5~280 cm和1.2~64.0 cm。方差分析结果显示,除干型在种源间的差异达显著(P < 0.05)水平,其余5个性状在种源间的差异均达到极显著(P < 0.01)水平。树高、东西冠幅和南北冠幅等性状的重复力达到40%以上,说明这些性状较其他3个性状在种源间的差异更为稳定,而地径重复力仅为29.92%,表明地径在种源间表现的差异稳定性较弱。苦楝苗期生长性状地理变异趋势为:采种点由南至北,苗期生长变慢,高海拔种源生长更快。各性状受纬度、经度和海拔多重控制,但各生长性状多以纬向变异为主。生长性状的地理变异存在明显的气候生态学特征。气温较高、降水丰富、气压低、平均最低气温高、日照丰富地区的种源苗期生长快,生物量大。根据种源幼林生长性状采用欧氏距离离差平方和进行聚类,可以将53个种源大致划分为6个类群,且分类群具有明显的地理格局。
      结论 各种源存在明显的地理变异规律,初步挑选出生长快、生物量大、干型优良、适应性好的种源740、629、843和349作为适宜广东地区造林的优势种源。


      Objective To study the geographic variations and trends in growth traits of different Melia azedarach provenances, select appropriate M. azedarach provenances for afforestation in Guangdong Province, and provide the basis for seed allocation.
      Method  The provenance test on M. azedarach from 53 provenances was conducted in Zengcheng, Guangzhou. Growth traits including tree height, ground diameter, branch number, trunk shape and crown were measured. The geographic variations, their trends, and their climatic and ecological basis were explored.
      Results There were significant differences among provenances for the tested six traits: Height and diameter showed the highest variations with the ranges of 5-280 cm and 1.2-64.0 cm respectively. Except that trunk shape showed a significant level of variation (P < 0.05), the other five traits all showed highly significant differences (P < 0.01). The repeatability of height, east-west crown and south-north crown were above 40%, suggesting that their variations among provenances were relatively more stable compared to other traits. The repeatability of ground diameter was only 29.92%, indicating low stability of the variation. Regarding the geographic variations in growth traits of M. azedarach at seedling stage, the growth rate of the seedlings decreased as the provenances changed from south to north. The provenances which originated from high altitude grew faster compared to low altitude. The growth traits were influenced by multiple factors including longitude, latitude and altitude, among which latitude was the key factor. In addition, there were apparent climatic and ecological characteristics in the geographic variations of growth traits. The seedlings grew faster and had larger biomass for the provenances from areas of higher temperature, higher mean minimum temperature, more sunshine, more precipitation, and lower atmospheric pressure. Based on the growth traits of young forest, the 53 provenances were roughly clustered into six groups with clear geographic structure using NTsys with Euclidean distance of square sum of deviations.
      Conclusion Each provenance has obvious geographic variation trend. We can tentatively select provenances 740, 629, 843 and 349 which have rapid growth, large biomass, nice trunk shape and high adaptability for afforestation in Guangdong Province.


