
    Photosynthetic light response of different Machilus pauhoi provenances

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究刨花润楠Machilus pauhoi光合作用光响应曲线特征, 比较不同种源刨花润楠光合作用的差异, 为刨花润楠良种选育与造林提供一定的理论依据。
      方法 以福建建瓯种源(MJO)、福建顺昌种源(MSC)、广东乐昌种源(YLC)、广东仁化种源(YRH)、广西灵川种源(GLC)、广西恭城种源(GGC)6个在广东有推广潜力的刨花润楠种源为材料, 观测刨花润楠的光响应曲线特征, 并计算出其最大净光合速率、光补偿点、光饱和点、表观量子效率及暗呼吸速率等光响应特征参数。
      结果 广西恭城种源刨花润楠的最大净光合速率最高, 达到了12.20 μmol·m-2·s-1, 而且其光饱和点与光补偿点之间的差值最大, 为604.60 μmol·m-2·s-1, 而福建建瓯种源刨花润楠的最大净光合速率最低, 仅为5.32 μmol·m-2·s-1, 福建顺昌种源的光补偿点与光饱和点间差值最小。
      结论 参试的6个种源刨花润楠中, 广西恭城种源的刨花润楠利用弱光、强光能力和对光适应能力最强, 光合潜力较大, 具有较好的生长潜力; 刨花润楠的造林可适度密植或营造混交林。


      Objective To study the characteristics of photosynthetic light response of Machilus pauhoi, investigate the differences in photosynthesis among different M.pauhoi provenances, and provide the theoretical basis for selective breeding and afforestation of M.pauhoi.
      Method Seeds of six M.pauhoi provenances with widespread potential in Guangdong were collected from Jianou of Fujian Province (MJO), Shunchang of Fujian Province (MSC), Lechang of Guangdong Province (YLC), Renhua of Guangdong Province (YRH), Lingchuan of Guangxi Province (GLC) and Gongcheng of Guangxi Province (GGC).The photosynthetic light response curves of the seedlings were recorded, and light response parameters including maximum net photosynthesis rate (Pnmax), light compensation point(LCP), light saturation point(LSP), apparent quantum yield (AQY), and dark respiration rate (Rd) were calculated.
      Result GGC provenance had the highest Pnmax(12.20 μmol·m-2·s-1), and the largest difference between LSP and LCP (604.60 μmol·m-2·s-1).MJO provenance had the lowest Pnmax(5.32 μmol·m-2·s-1).MSC provenance had the smallest difference between LSP and LCP.
      Conclusion Among six provenances, GGC has the best capability of using low light and strong light and have the highest adaptability to light, therefore this provenance has relatively high photosynthetic potential and growth potential.Close planting or mixed planting may be feasible in the afforestation of M.pauhoi.


