
    Effects of fertilization on growth of eight-year-old Caribbean pine in West Guangdong

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究阳江8年生古巴加勒比松Pinus caribaea var.caribaea人工林对氮磷钾不同配比及与微量元素混施的肥效反应。
      方法 设定17个氮磷钾不同配比及与微量元素混施的追肥处理, 15个月后监测古巴加勒比松的生长量和养分。
      结果 协方差分析结果表明, N(21.5 g·株-1)、P2O5(30 g·株-1)的配比处理效果最好。单株施用50 g尿素+250 g钙镁磷肥+25 g氯化钾处理15个月后, 单株材积增量比空白对照平均可提高23.6%。加磷(N2P1K2、N2P2K2)比无磷处理(N2P0K2)的生长量显著增大。另外, 在氮磷钾相同情况下, 添加硼对材积也有显著促进作用。
      结论 磷与硼是影响郁闭后加勒比松生长的重要元素。氮磷配比对肥效反应有重要调控作用。


      Objective In order to study the fertilizer response in an eight-year-old Pinus caribaea var.caribaea plantation in Yangjiang to the application of different proportions of nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) fertilizers mixed with microelements.
      Method There were 17 top application treatments of different proportions of N, P and K fertilizers mixed with microelements.The growth and foliar nutrient concentrations of P.caribaea var.caribaea were determined after 15 months.
      Result The covariance analysis showed that the optimum proportion of fertilizers was N (21.5 g·plant-1) and P2O5 (30 g·plant-1).The individual stem volume of plants fertilized with 50 g urea+250 g calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer+25 g KCl for 15 months was increased by 23.6% on average compared to the blank control.The treatments with P (N2P1K2, N2P2K2) had significantly more growth compared to the P deficiency treatment (N2P0K2).In addition, boron(B) application significantly increased the stem volume under the same N, P and K treatment.
      Conclusion P and B are both important for P.caribaea var.caribaea growth after canopy closure.The proportion of N and P plays an essential role in regulating the fertilizer response of P.caribaea var.caribaea.


