
    Comparing xylem mobility of four types of pesticides, glucose-fipronil conjugate, fipronil, thiamethoxam and abamectin, in soybean

    • 摘要:
      目的 通过比较葡萄糖基-氟虫腈偶合物(GTF)与氟虫腈、噻虫嗪和阿维菌素在大豆Glycine max植株内的分布差异,评价4种农药的木质部输导性。
      方法 选取大豆幼苗作为供试植物,采用药液浸根的处理方法,研磨提取后利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测根、茎、叶3部分药物含量,以地上部分输导量评价4种农药木质部输导性。
      结果 GTF具有优越的木质部输导性,进入大豆后能较为均匀地分布;噻虫嗪木质部输导性高效,向顶分布明显,短时间即达到饱和;氟虫腈大量在根部积累,仅具有较弱的木质部输导性;阿维菌素能渗透进入大豆根部并积累,但无法向上转运,不具有木质部输导性。
      结论 糖基的引入能够显著改善氟虫腈的木质部输导性。对杀虫剂进行糖基化修饰为内吸性农药开发提供了新的思路。


      Objective In order to evaluate the xylem mobility of four different pesticides, including glucose-fipronil conjugate GTF and three types of commodity pesticides (fipronil, thiamethoxam and abamectin) in plants.
      Method The roots of soybean seedlings were immersed in solutions containing one of those pesticides. After grinding and extracting the roots, stems and leaves, high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) was used to detect the pesticide contents of the extracts.The xylem mobility was represented by the pesticide content conducted to the above ground part of the seedling.
      Result GTF had superior xylem mobility with relatively uniform distribution after entering the plants. Thiamethoxam exhibited efficient xylem mobility, mainly concentrated in the upper part of the plants, and was able to saturate in a short time. Fipronil had relatively weak xylem mobility, and most concentrated in the roots. Abamectin permeated and accumulated in the roots without upward transportation, suggesting none xylem mobility.
      Conclusion The introduction of glycosyl can significantly optimize the xylem mobility of the carrier pesticide fipronil. Glycosylation of pesticide is an effective approach to develop new systemic pesticide.


