
    Direct and maternal genetic effects for traits at the first egg in Rugao yellow chickens

    • 摘要:
      目的 以动物模型分析加性遗传、母体遗传对如皋黄鸡开产性状的影响,并计算开产性状遗传参数。
      方法 收集如皋黄鸡2009—2012年生产数据,包括10 454个动物个体、31 362条生产记录。依据是否考量母体效应,设计4种统计模型。利用WOMBAT软件以平均信息约束最大似然法(AIREML)剖分表型方差,以似然比统计值检验模型适用性。以单性状模型分析遗传力,以多性状模型分析遗传相关系数和表型相关系数。
      结果 母体环境对开产日龄有显著的影响,模型Ⅱ为开产日龄最适模型,开产日龄遗传力为0.28±0.02;母体遗传对平均开产蛋质量影响显著,模型Ⅲ适合计算开产蛋质量遗传力,开产蛋质量加性遗传力为0.23±0.02、母体遗传力为0.03±0.01;母体遗传和母体环境对开产体质量有显著影响,开产体质量加性遗传力为0.34±0.03、母体遗传力为0.04±0.01,模型Ⅳ为开产体质量最适模型。如皋黄鸡开产蛋质量、开产体质量加性遗传与母体遗传存在负相关。开产体质量、开产蛋质量与开产日龄之间的遗传相关系数分别为0.36±0.07、0.33±0.07,开产蛋质量与开产体质量之间的遗传相关系数为0.65±0.05。
      结论 如皋黄鸡开产日龄、开产体质量、开产蛋质量等开产性状均受母体效应影响,且遗传力较低。


      Objective The aims of this study were to evaluate direct and maternal genetic effects for traits at the first egg of Rugao yellow chickens with animal models, and to estimate the genetic parameters for these traits.
      Method Reproduction data, including data for 10 454 individual animals and 31 362 reproduction records, of Rugao yellow chickens from 2009 to 2012 were collected. Four animal models with and without maternal effects were used to estimate the genetic parameters. Phenotypic variance of reproduction traits was partitioned using average information restricted maximum likelihood (AIREML) method with WOMBAT software. The models were evaluated with the likelihood ratio test. Univariate models were used to estimate heritabilities, and multivariate models were used to analyze genetic and phenotypic correlations.
      Result Maternal environment had significant influence on age at the first egg (AFE), for which the optimum model was model Ⅱ and the heritability was 0.28±0.02. Maternal genetic effects had significant influence on egg mass at the first egg (EM1), for which the optimum model was model Ⅲ, the direct heritability was 0.23±0.02 and the maternal genetic heritability was 0.03±0.01. Both maternal environment and maternal genetic effects had significant influence on body mass at the first egg (BM1), for which the optimum model was model Ⅳ, the heritability was 0.34±0.03 and the maternal genetic heritability was 0.04±0.01. There were negative correlations between the direct and maternal genetic effects for EM1 and BM1. The genetic correlation coefficients between AFE and BM1, AFE and EM1, and EM1 and BM1 were 0.36±0.07, 0.33±0.07, and 0.65±0.05, respectively.
      Conclusion The traits at the first egg of Rugao yellow chickens are influenced by maternal effects, and are lowly heritable.


