Design and experiment of paddy field leveler based on GPS
摘要:目的 设计基于GPS技术的水田平地机, 实现水田精准平整.方法 GPS接收天线固定在平地铲上, 以GPS高程定位数据作为平地铲高程信息, 通过限幅平均滤波算法和PD控制算法实现平地铲运动精确和稳定的控制.结果和结论 经GPS技术控制的水田平地机平整后的田块田面相对高程的标准偏差值由15.8 cm减小到4.7 cm, 绝对差值在不大于5 cm的采样测量点累积百分比数达85.4%, 限幅平均滤波算法减少了GPS高程数据误差.GPS高程定位数据能满足水田精准平整的要求, 能有效改善田面平整状况.Abstract:Objective To design a GPS-based paddy field leveller and to improve the paddy field leveling and accuracy.Method GPS receiving antennae were fixed on the top of leveling scraper.The GPS data of dynamic height positioning was used as the height of the leveling scraper.The amplitude limit and recurrence average filtering algorithm and PD control algorithm were applied to control the accuracy and stability of GPS dynamic height positioning.Result and conclusion The relative standard deviation reduced from 15.8 cm to 4.7 cm.The sampling point cumulative percentage of the absolute difference value no more than 5 cm was over 85.4%.The amplitude limit and recurrence average filter algorithm reduced the error of GPS dynamic height positioning.The accuracy of GPS dynamic height positioning can meet the precision requirement for paddy field leveling.The surface smoothness of paddy field can be obviously improved.