
    The expressions of CsHSFs gene in relation to chilling tolerance of cucumber fruits

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究CsHSFs基因的表达特征与热处理和冷锻炼处理提高黄瓜果实耐冷性的关系.
      方法 测定了低温(8 ℃)贮藏过程中热处理(低温贮藏前50 ℃热水处理1 min)、冷锻炼处理(15 ℃预贮2 d后再低温贮藏)和对照处理的黄瓜果实的相对电导率、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、叶绿素含量和果实色泽等生理指标, 并用qRT-PCR法检测CsHSFs基因的表达特征.
      结果和结论 热处理和冷锻炼处理均可提高果实耐冷性, 主要表现为热处理和冷锻炼处理均显著抑制了果实相对电导率的升高和叶绿素含量的降低, 较好地保持了果实的色泽和商品性状, 相比较而言, 冷锻炼处理减轻果实冷害的效果比热处理明显, 同时, 热处理与冷锻炼处理都不影响果实TSS含量.并且, CsHSF7CsHSF11基因表达水平与热处理和冷锻炼诱导的果实耐冷性密切相关, 但其参与冷害的机制可能不同, 体现为CsHSF7在酵母中具有转录激活活性, 而CsHSF11在酵母中不具有转录激活活性.


      Objective The relationship between the expression patterns of CsHSFs genes and the chilling tolerance of cucumber fruits treated by heat shock and cold acclimation treatments were analyzed.
      Method Relative electrolyte leakages, total soluble solids (TSS), contents of chlorophyll and color in cucumber fruits pre-treated by heat shock (pre-treated by 50 ℃ hot water for 1 min) or cold acclimation (pre-storage at 15 ℃ for 2 day) were investigated during low temperature storage (8 ℃), and the expression of CsHSFs gene was determined using qRT-PCR.
      Result and conclusion The results showed that the pretreatments with heat shock and cold acclimation enhanced the chilling tolerance in cucumber fruit, reflected by inhiting increase in relative electrolyte leakages and a decrease in chlorophyll contents in heat shock or cold acclimation-treated fruits, with a stronger effect created by cold acclimation treatment. There was no significant difference in TSS content between the two treatments.Moreover, the expression levels of CsHSF7 and CsHSF11 genes significantly increased in heat shock and cold acclimation treatments compared to the control, suggesting that they were likely to get closely involved in the chilling tolerance induced by heat shock and cold acclimation in cucumber fruits.However, CsHSF7 and CsHSF11 genes might participate in the response to chilling with different mechanisms, as CsHSF7 showed transcriptional activation in yeast cells, while CsHSF11 did not.


