
    Toxic activity of Tripterygium wilfordii ethanol extract and its bait against Solenopsis invicta

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究雷公藤根皮提取物及其毒饵对红火蚁Solenopsis invicta工蚁的致死作用及活动能力的影响.
      方法 乙醇提取雷公藤Tripterygium wilfordii根皮物质并制备雷公藤提取物毒饵, 水试管法测定其对红火蚁的毒杀活性.
      结果和结论 在室内条件下, 雷公藤提取物质量浓度0.023 9、0.047 8、0.239 0和0.478 0 g·L-1处理10 d后工蚁死亡率分别为6.67%、30.00%、56.67%和70.00%, 明显高于对照(3.33%). 0(对照)、0.047 8、0.095 6和0.239 0 g·L-1提取物饵剂处理10 d后小型工蚁死亡率分别为6.67%、26.67%、40.00%和20.00%, 大型工蚁死亡率与对照组无显著差别, 0 (对照)、0.047 8与0.095 6 g· L-1提取物饵剂处理10 d后红火蚁攻击率分别为90.00%、66.67%和70.00%, 抓附率分别为83.33%、60.00%和56.67%, 爬杆率分别为93.33%、73.33%和73.33%.表明雷公藤根皮提取物及其毒饵在室内条件下对红火蚁具有较好的毒杀活性, 抑制了红火蚁的活动能力, 有望成为防治红火蚁的新药剂.


      Objective To study the toxic activity of root bark extract of Tripterygium wilfordii and its bait against Solenopsis invicta worker ants.
      Method The active substance was extracted by ethanol from the root bark of T. wilfordii and the bait was prepared. Toxic activities of T. wilfordii ethanol extract and its bait to red imported fire ants were obtained by water tube method.
      Result and conclusion After 10 days of treatment, the workers mortality were 6.67%, 30.00%, 56.67% and 70.00% at the extract concentration of 0.023 9, 0.047 8, 0.239 0 and 0.478 0 g·L-1 respectively, which were significantly higher than that of the mortality of control. The results tested by bait method showed that, unlike the large ant workers, the mortality of small workers was seriously affected by the concentration of the extracts. Treated by 0、0.0478 and 0.095 6 g·L-1 bait for 10 days, the workers attack rates were 90.00%, 66.67% and 70.00%, grasping rates were 83.33%, 60.00% and 56.67%, climbing rates were 93.33%, 73.33% and 73.33% respectively. The root bark extract of T. wilfordii and bait have good insecticidal activity against red imported fire ants under indoor conditions, which can inhibit the activity ability of red imported fire ants. T. wilfordii is expected to become a new chemical agent to control red imported fire ants.


