
    Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on the storage quality and the postharvest physiology of seedless wampee fruit

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)对无核黄皮Clausena lansium果实常温贮藏效果和采后生理的影响.
      方法 广东郁南无核黄皮分别经0.1和1.0 μL·L-1 1-MCP熏蒸处理24 h后,置25 ℃条件下贮藏10 d,测定贮藏过程中果实的营养品质和生理变化.
      结果和结论 无核黄皮的呼吸速率在贮藏期间持续增加,但无呼吸峰出现,其呼吸类型属于后期上升型.2个1-MCP处理不同程度地提高了黄皮的好果率和可食率,有利于保持果实硬度,降低了可滴定酸和维生素C含量; 同时,抑制了果实乙烯的产生和减缓了呼吸速率的上升,延缓了果皮抗氧化酶SOD和POD活性的下降,以及细胞膜透性和丙二醛含量的增加. 1 μL·L-11-MCP处理的效果较显著.


      Objective The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatments on storage quality and the postharvest physiology of seedless wampee, Clausena lansium, fruits were studied.
      Method The seedless wampee fruits grown in Guangdong Province were treated with 1-MCP (0.1 and 1.0 μL·L-1) and stored at 25 ℃ for 10 days.The quality and physiology of fruits were investigated during the storage.
      Result and conclusion The respiration rate of fruit rose remarkably during storage, but no respiration climax was observed, which suggested that wampee fruit belonged to the later respiratory rising fruit.1-MCP treatments at two levels of concentrations increased the good fruit rate and the edible rate of wampee fr uits, maintained the fruit firmness, and decreased titratable acid and vitamin C contents.1-MCP treatments also inhibited ethylene production and delayed the rise of respiration rate, delaying the decrease of SOD and POD activities and the increase of both cell membrane permeability and malondialdehyde content in fruit peel during the storage.1.0 μL·L-1 1-MCP is a more effective treatment.


