
    Retrieval of typical subtropical crop canopy SPAD value in South China using GF-1 remote sensing image

    • 摘要:
      目的 以广州市增城试验基地为例,探索国产高分卫星影像数据在反演华南地区亚热带典型作物冠层叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)的应用.
      方法 根据2013年10月1日“高分一号”影像数据和相应的亚热带典型作物的实测数据,建立植被指数与典型作物冠层SPAD之间的关系模型,并分别探讨9种植被指数与SPAD之间线性和非线性关系,以便获得最佳的植被指数和相应的回归模型反演华南地区亚热带作物冠层叶绿素相对含量.
      结果和结论 7种植被指数均与亚热带典型作物冠层SPAD有极显著的相关性,其中比值植被指数(RVI)相关性最好,其次是差值植被指数(DVI).经分析,RVI的指数回归模型Y = 31.445e0.141X (R2 = 0.889)是反演亚热带典型作物冠层SPAD的最佳回归模型,实际拟合精度达92.75%,故使用该回归模型估测研究区内大范围亚热带典型作物冠层SPAD是可行的.


      Objective The purpose of this paper was to explore the retrieval of typical subtropical crop SPAD value in South China with the domestic high resolution satellite image, using Zengcheng Teaching and Research Station for field experiments.
      Method According to the GF-1 remote sensing data and corresponding subtropical crops measured data on October 1, 2013, the models between vegetation index and typical crop canopy SPAD value were built.In order to get the best regression model for retrieval of subtropical crop canopy related to contents of chlorophyll in South China, the linear and nonlinear relations were found between the nine types of vegetation indices and crop canopy SPAD value.
      Result and conclusion The results showed that seven types of vegetation indices had an extremely significant correla-tion with typical subtropical crop canopy SPAD value, and the ratio vegetation index exponential regression model (Y = 31.445e0.141X) provided the best model for retrieving subtropical crop canopy SPAD value (R2 = 0.889, and fitting precision = 92.75%), which indicates ratio vegetation index is feasible to retrieve large range of typical subtropical crop canopy SPAD value in the study area.


