
    Resistance evaluation of soybean varieties to phytophthora root rot in South China

    • 摘要:
      目的 评价华南地区大豆Glycine max (L.) Merrill品种(系)及其亲本对7个大豆疫霉菌Phytophthora sojae的抗性.
      方法 采用下胚轴创伤接种法鉴定67个品种(系)及其亲本对7个不同毒力的大豆疫霉菌菌株的抗性.
      结果和结论 67个品种对7个不同毒力菌株PGD1、Pm14、Pm28、PNJ1、PNJ3、PNJ4、P6497的侵染率不同,接种大豆疫霉菌PGD1的侵染率最高,PGD1是华南地区发现并分离的大豆疫霉菌新种,抗PGD1的品种有华夏6号、粤夏2011-4、桂春6号、桂春10号、桂夏1号、浙春3号,占鉴定品种的9%;其次是Pm28和Pm14,接种PNJ1和PNJ4的侵染率较低; 另外,对7个大豆疫霉菌菌株都表现感病的品种有29个,占鉴定品种的43.3%.华南地区抗或多抗大豆疫霉根腐病的大豆品种较少,需要加强大豆品种抗病种质资源筛选和抗病育种研究.


      Objective To systematically evaluate the resistance levels of soybean varieties to 7 strains of Phytophthora sojae in South China.
      Method Sixty seven soybean extension cultivars and main parents were identified for the resistance to 7 strains of Phytophthora sojae using the hypocotyls inoculation technique.
      Result and conclusion The infection rates of PGD1, Pm14, Pm28, PNJ1, PNJ3, PNJ4 and P6497 were 86.6%, 80.6%, 85.1%, 61.2%, 77.6%, 74.6% and 80.6% respectively, while 9.0% of the cultivars or lines were resistant to PGD1 strain which was newly found and isolated in Guangdong Province. Soybean varieties resistant to the Phytophthora strain PGD1 included Huaxia6, Yuexia2011-4, Guichun6, Guichun10, Guixia1 and Zhechun3. Among all tested species, twenty nine cultivars were susceptible to the 7 strains (accounting for about 43.3%). There are few Phytophthora-re- sistant soybean varieties in South China. It is necessary to breed and extend resistant cultivars(lines).


