
    Effects of 60Coγ ray irradiation on survival rates and growth characteristics of seashore paspalum

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究海滨雀稗Paspalum vaginatum Swartz适宜的辐射剂量,为海滨雀稗辐射诱变育种提供理论和技术参考.
      方法 以海滨雀稗2个品种Sea Isle 2000和Platinum为材料,设置60 Coγ射线剂量为0、40、50和60 Gy,对海滨雀稗匍匐茎进行辐射处理,研究其适宜的诱变剂量及生长特性的变化.
      结果和结论 随着辐射剂量的增加,匍匐茎成活率显著降低. Platinum匍匐茎的适宜辐射剂量范围为41. 38~49. 75 Gy,Sea Isle 2000匍匐茎的适宜辐射剂量范围为54. 07~64. 89 Gy.辐射处理使2个品种叶片变窄,使Sea Isle 2000匍匐茎节间长度缩短,2个品种的质地均得到明显改善. 40~60 Gy可认为是海滨雀稗诱变育种适宜的辐射剂量.


      Objective The suitable dose range for irradiation-induced mutation of seashore paspalum, Paspalum vaginatum Swartz, was studied to provide theoretical foundation and technical reference for seashore paspalum breeding.
      Method The stolons of two cultivars of seashore paspalum Sea Isle 2000 and Platinum were treated under four doses of 60Coγ irradiation at 0, 40, 50, 60 Gy. The optimal mutagenic doses and growth characteristics were examined.
      Result and conclusion The stolon survival rate of seashore paspalum decreased with the increase of irradiation dose. The suitable irradiation dose ranges were 41.38-49.75 Gy and 54.07-64.89 Gy for Platinum and Sea Isle 2000 respectively. Irradiation significantly reduced leaf width of the two varieties and internode length of Sea Isle 2000, indicating that the texture of the seashore paspalum had been obviously improved. It is concluded that 40-60 Gy irradiation dose is suitable for irradiation mutation breeding of seashore paspalum.


