Objective To isolate and screen phosphorus-solubilizing strains from the rhizospheric soil in phosphate ore zone and to optimize its phosphorus-solubilizing condition.
Method Dilution and plating were applied to screen and purify phosphorus-solubilizing strains. The whole-cell fatty acid was analyzed by gas chromatography and 16S rDNA sequence was identified. The orthogonal design test was used in optimizing phosphorus-solubilizing condition.
Result and conclusion Total 22 phosphorus-solubilizing strains were obtained by the traditional methodologies. YN2014102 strain showed a strong ability to dissolve phosphate, which could get 244.75 mg·L-1 available phosphorus from the 10 g·L-1 phosphate rock medium.YN2014102 strain was identified as Burkholderia cenocepacia based on its gas chromatography analysis of whole-cell fatty acid and 16S rDNA sequencing. When the bacterium was cultured in the 10 g·L-1 phosphate rock powder medium at 28 ℃ in a shaker with 180 r·min-1 for 5 days, the dissolve effect of solubilizing phosphorus was the best, which can obtain 277.08 mg·L-1 of available phosphorus in the medium.