
    Hybridization of 'Zaozhong No.6' and big-fruit Spanish loquat cultivars and fruit evaluation of the hybrids

    • 摘要:
      目的 选育兼具大果和优质特征,适应广东当地生态条件和消费习惯的枇杷新品种.
      方法 以国内优良当家品种‘早钟6号’与4个西班牙大果枇杷品种‘Javierin’、‘Peluches’、‘Marc’和‘Ullera’为亲本进行杂交育种,对正交群体后代株系的成熟果实的平均单果质量、果肉颜色、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、糖酸度、种子数进行测定或评价.
      结果和结论 初步从杂种后代中选出了15个平均单果质量、TSS含量都超过了‘早钟6号’的较优株系,进而选出ZJ14、ZJ191、ZM24等3个糖酸比高于‘早钟6号’的重点株系;杂种后代株系平均单果质量和TSS性状分离广泛,平均单果质量有逐渐减小的趋势,仅有5.26%的杂种后代株系的平均单果质量达到真正的大果标准(m>50 g);TSS有逐渐增加的趋势,超过50%单株的TSS含量存在超亲优势现象;杂交后代果肉颜色出现变异,杂交双亲都是黄肉果,杂交后代果实既有黄肉果又有白肉果;并发现果实大小(单果质量)与风味品质TSS之间存在比较明显的背离;后代株系总糖度、可滴定酸含量分别遗传双亲的高糖高酸性状,今后可能会培育出高糖高酸风味浓的新品系.


      Objective To breed new loquat cultivars with big fruit sizes and high quality characteristics, which were adaptive to the local ecological environment and welcome by consumers in Guangdong.
      Method In this study, the hybridization breeding of loquat between different cultivars was carried out. The domestic excellent loquat cultivar 'Zaozhong No.6' and four big-fruit Spanish loquat cultivars ('Javierin', 'Peluches', 'Marc' and 'Ullera') were selected as parents. The quality of the mature fruit from the orthonogal group offspring lines was analyzed or evaluated, including average mass of single fruit, flesh color, total soluble solids(TSS), sugar, acidity, seed number etc..
      Result and conclusion From the hybridizations, 15 offspring lines had been preliminarily selected as good progenies, as TSS of them were higher than those of 'Zaozhong No.6', and the average mass of single fruit was greater than that of 'Zaozhong No.6'. Some lines possessed higher sugar/acid ratios than those of 'Zaozhong No.6'. Three of the hybrids were selected and named ZJ14, ZJ191 and ZM24. The results showed that the separation of the average mass of single fruit and the TSS were extensive. The average mass of single fruit showed a trend of gradual decrease, with only 5.26% of hybrid plants producing big fruits (m>50 g); the TSS showed a trend of gradual increase, and the ratio of the over-parent heterosis plants was over 50%. The flesh color of these hybrids showed mutation, for some hybrids had yellow flesh as their parents did, while the other hybrids produced white flesh fruits. There was an obvious deviation between fruit size (the average mass of single fruit) and the flavor quality TSS. The progeny lines inherited the traits of high-sugar and high-acidity from their parents. New cultivars with high sugar and acid will probably be selected in the future.


