
    Screening antagonistic microorganisms against ginseng diseases from Panax ginseng rhizosphere soil

    • 摘要: 【目的】筛选对人参主要病原菌拮抗率更高、抑菌谱更广的新菌株生防菌种资源.【方法】稀释平板法分离拮抗菌;平板对峙法筛选拮抗菌.【结果和结论】筛选出对人参单一病原菌有高拮抗活性的放线菌7株,对人参疫病、菌核病、灰霉病、黑斑病、锈腐病、立枯病、根腐病拮抗率分别为80.84%、82.46%、66.08%、71.33%、64.63%、85.53%、65.11%,其中对7大人参病害均有高拮抗活性的菌株有5株,包括1株木霉菌、4株放线菌.研究结果表明,可利用人参根际土壤中的有益菌研究其生防潜力,用于人参主要病害的防治.


      Abstract: 【Objective】 To expand biocontrol strain resources and screen new strains with a higher antagonistic rate and a wider inhibiting range to control ginseng diseases.【Method】 The antagonistic strains were isolated by dilution plate method and were screened by flat-stand method.【Result and conclusion】 Seven actinomycetes strains with higher antagonistic activities to single ginseng pathogen, such asPhytophthora cactorum, Sclerotinia schinseng, Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria panax, Cylindrocarpon destructans, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani, had been screened, whose inhibition rates were 80.84%, 82.46%, 66.08%, 71.33%, 64.63%, 85.53% and 65.11%, respectively. Five strains, including a strain of Trichoderma and four strains of Actinomyces, had higher antagonistic activities to seven kinds of ginseng pathogens. The results indicate that the beneficial strains in the rhizosphere has a biocontrol potential ability of ginseng pathogens and can be used to prevent and cure major diseases of ginseng.


