
    Effects of different nutrient management models on the formation of yield, quality and nitrogen use efficiency of flue-cured tobacco

    • 摘要: 【目的】为解决烤烟生产过程中存在的氮肥利用率低和不合理的施肥技术带来的烟叶品质下降等问题.【方法】以云烟87为材料,在梅州地区开展了氮肥实时实地管理技术(Real time nitrogen management, RTNM)的田间应用,以农户习惯施肥(CK2)和不施肥(CK1)为对照,其中RTNM模式设置了2个SPAD(Soil and Plant Analyzer Development)预设值40(S40)和43(S43),比较了不同模式下烤烟的农艺性状、氮肥利用率及烟叶产量、品质.【结果和结论】与CK2相比,RTNM模式下烟株中、上部叶的叶面积均较农户习惯施肥模式处理增加,其他农艺性状无显著性变化.RTNM模式显著提高了氮肥的利用率,S40和S43处理氮肥的吸收利用率较CK2分别提高了48.74%和45.42%.RTNM模式下烟叶产量、产值与CK2相比均有显著性增加,其中S43处理的烤烟产量与产值均为最高.表明在梅州大埔地区应用RTNM施肥模式,可有效提高氮肥的利用率,结合当地的生产实际,在梅州烟区应用推广SPAD值为43的RTNM模式可获得最大的产量和产值.


      Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to solve the problems existing in the production of flue-cured tobacco about low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and inferior quality of flue-cured tobacco by unreasonable fertilizing technology.【Method】 A variety (Yunyan87) was used as a material in the field experiment. The technology of real time nitrogen management (RTNM) was applied in Meizhou. Two application modes of fertilizer (S40 and S43) based on SPAD(Soil and Plant Analyzer Development)value, the conventional application of fertilizer by farmer (CK2) and no fertilizer (CK1) were designed to study the influences of different application modes of fertilizer on the agronomic traits, nitrogen use efficiency (NUC), yield and quality. 【Result and conclusion】 The areas of the middle and upper leaves increased by adopting RTNM, and the other agronomic traits had no significant differences compared with CK2. The NUE was elevated obviously under RTNM, and the absorption of nitrogen of S40 and S43 increased by 48.74% and 45.42% compared with CK2, respectively. The yield and output value of tobacco leaf under RTNM increased more than those of CK2 and S43 achieved the highest yield and output value of tobacco leaf. Results indicated that, compared with the conventional application of fertilizer by farmer, RTNM could enhance high yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco and improve utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, RTNM, especially based 43, is effective in practice and good for popularization at Meizhou Guangdong production area according the local condition.


