
    A study on the distribution and dynamic changes of the glutathione peroxidase activity in pigs

    • 摘要: 【目的】全面了解谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)在猪体内的分布和动态变化.【方法】以3个品种的猪为研究对象,测定了不同组织中及不同品种、性别、龄期、健康状态猪血液中的GPx活力.【结果和结论】在26~150日龄,长白猪和蓝塘猪全血中的GPx活力随着龄期的增加而缓慢上升,至150日龄时达到最大值; 蓝塘猪各龄期GPx活力高于长白猪GPx活力,30和90日龄GPx活力显著高于长白猪的GPx活力(P<0.05);90日龄杜大长公猪GPx活力显著高于母猪的GPx活力(P<0.01);90日龄健康杜大长猪GPx活力显著高于病猪的GPx活力(P<0.01).对不同组织GPx活力和比活力进行比较,结果发现猪的肾、脾、肝、肺、心和回肠等组织的活力和比活力较高,可作为理想的提取GPx的原材料.


      Abstract: 【Objective】 To get a thorough understanding about the distribution and dynamic changes of the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in pigs.【Method】 Using three varieties of pigs as the subject, GPx activities of different tissues and whole blood from pig with different species, genders, age periods and health statuses were determined in this study.【Result and conclusion】 The result showed that the GPx activity of whole blood from Lantang or Landrace pigs was slowly rising from 26 to 150 d, reaching a maximum at 150 d. The GPx activity of Lantang pigs was significantly higher than that of Landrace pigs during the periods of 30 and 90 d(P<0.05)and no significant difference in the other periods. The GPx activity of hybrid boars(Duroc×Yorkshire×Landrace) was significantly higher than that of sows(P<0.05); the GPx activity of healthy pigs (Duroc×Yorkshire×Landrace) was significantly higher than that of sick ones(P<0.05). Samples from different tissues revealed that kidney, spleen, liver, lung, heart and ileum showed a higher Gpx activity and these tissues can be used as ideal raw materials for extracting GPx.


