
    Stock and Distribution of Carbon in Acacia cincinnata Plantation

    • 摘要: 通过样地调查,对广西南宁市8年生卷荚相思 Acacia cincinnata 人工林碳库及其分配特征进行了研究.结果表明,卷荚相思不同器官碳素质量分数为465.8~5082 g·kg-1,各器官碳素含量排序为树干>树叶>树枝>树根>树皮.灌木层、草本层和现存凋落物层碳素质量分数分别为460.8、430.9和468.1 g/kg,土壤层(0~80 cm)碳素质量分数为8.44 g·kg-1,随土层深度增加土壤碳素含量减少.卷荚相思人工林生态系统总碳库为126.07 t·hm-2,其中乔木层为28.76 t·hm-2,灌木层为5.35 t·hm-2,草本层为1.25 t·hm-2,现存凋落物层为1.69 t·hm-2,土壤层(0~80 cm)为89.02 t·hm-2.卷荚相思人工林年净生产力为10.15 t·hm -2·a-1,碳素年净固定量为5.64 t·hm-2·a-1.


      Abstract: Carbon stock and the distribution of an 8-year-old Acacia cincinnata plantation in Nanning, Guangxi, China, were investigated based on field sampling data. The results showed that carbon content in different organs of A. cincinnata ranged from 465.8 to 508.2 g·kg-1, and it was distributed in a descending order as follows: stem>leaf>branch>root>bark. Carbon content in the soil (0-80 cm) was 8.44 g·kg-1 which declined with soil depth. The carbon stock in A. cincinnata plantation ecosystems was 126.07 t·hm-2, which distributed among the tree layer with a stock of 28.76 t·hm-2, shrub layer 5.35 t·hm-2, herbaceous layer 1.25 t·hm-2, litters 1.69 t·hm-2, and the soil layer (0-80 cm) 89.02 t·hm-2. Annual net productivity of A. cincinnata plantation was 10.15 t·hm-2·a-1, and annual carbon storage was up to 5.64 t·hm-2·a-1.


