
    Stand Structure of Secondary Popular-Birch Forest in Changbai Mountain

    • 摘要: 2005年在长白山建立了1个面积为5.2 hm2的次生杨桦林永久样地,通过对样地内的每株树木测量胸径和坐标,并运用混交度、大小比数和角尺度研究了该林分的空间结构.结果显示,该样地的平均混交度为0.63,表明该林分处于中度以上混交水平,且下层乔木的混交度普遍低于上层乔木.各树种大小比数介于0~0.67,反映了该林分树种组合和空间分化的极大差异,且先锋树种在生长上占有优势.该林分平均角尺度为0.55,表明次生杨桦林总体上呈聚集分布格局.


      Abstract: The study of stand spatial structure is a significant precondition for modern forest management. In 2005, a permanent secondary popular-birch forest plot of 5.2 hm2 was established in Changbai Mountain, in which all trees were measured by diameter at breast height (DBH) and mapped. Its stand spatial structure was studied by means of three indicators, i.e., mingling, neighborhood comparison and neighborhood pattern. The mean mingling and neighborhood pattern of this plot were 0.63, indicating that the forest was above moderate mingling level, and the mingling level of canopy species was higher than that of understory species. The values of neighborhood comparison were from 0 to 0.67, which suggested that all trees were greatly differentiated vertically and the pioneer species of secondary succession were dominant in growth. The value of neighborhood pattern was 0.55, which showed that this forest was aggregated. These characteristics of spatial structure were related to less disturbance, secondary early stage of succession, tree species status in the stand, regeneration mode and reproduction strategy.


