
    Researches on Variation Effects of Two Three-Line Hybrid Rice Maintainer Line of Space Mutants

    • 摘要: 通过搭载“实践八号”农业育种卫星,研究了2个三系杂交稻保持系HT-B和Y华农B 航天搭载诱变后代的性状变异及保持力变异的情况.结果表明:诱变SP1代在发芽率、芽长、苗高上都有不同程度的损伤,其他农艺经济性状与对照差异不明显;SP2、SP3代的多个农艺经济性状发生了正、负向变异,不同材料不同性状诱变效果不同;直链淀粉质量分数变异幅度大,突变体中出现了直链淀粉质量分数(w)极低的糯性突变体(w=1.66%)和极高的突变体(w=38.03%%).以SP4代突变株系与对应不育系测交,考察测交F1代的花粉育性和套袋自交结实率,结果表明SP4代突变株系相对于对应不育系的保持力发生了较大改变,测交F1代中出现了完全可育的株系.结合农艺经济性状,可从中选育出优良的保持系新种质.


      Abstract: The variations in traits of space mutated offspring of two maintainer lines of three line hybrid rice, HT-B and Y Huanong B, were studied. The results showed that the SP1 generation displayed varying degrees of impairment ingerminationrate, bud length, and seeding height, but no evident variation in the other economic traits was found compared with the control. Positive and negative variations in several agricultural traitsemerged in SP2 and SP3 generations and an unusually wide range of variations were discovered in amylose content (AC) from extremely low AC(w=1.66%) in waxy mutantand to extremely high AC (w=38.03%) in non-waxy mutant. The pollen sterility and the selfing mature rate of the offspring from test cross between SP4 mutants and their correspondent male sterile lines were also studied. The maintaining ability for male sterility greatly varies in the space mutants, and completely fertile strains found in the offspring from the test cross are promising resources for novel elite maintainer lines.


