
    Software Design of the Control System for Pneumatic Roller-Type Vegetable Seeder

    • 摘要: 根据气力滚筒式蔬菜播种机播种精度要求以及穴盘进给速度与排种器播种速度的匹配要求,提出了以单片机ATmega16为控制系统的核心硬件,采用逐盘定位检测的控制策略和模块化设计的方案,研究开发了一种基于单片机C语言的气力滚筒式蔬菜播种机专用控制系统.该系统解决了播种机在连续工作时因排种滚筒线速度与穴盘输送速度的差异所产生的累积误差对播种效果的影响,使播种机能够迅速达到正常工作运行状态,防止从高速运行状态快速制动停止时产生过冲的现象,保证了播种精度不变的条件下排种器能够高速稳定的运行.试验结果表明,不同生产率下排种滚筒和穴盘输送装置的运行转速测量值与理论值的误差最大为2.01%.排种滚筒线速度和穴盘输送速度的差值最大为0.1 m/min,远远小于14.4 m/min的理论许可值,满足播种机的工作要求.


      Abstract: According to the requirements for seeding accuracy of pneumatic roller-type vegetable seeder and feed-rate of seedling tray matching up to rev of seeding device, a controlling system based on C language for the seeder developed by using ATmega16 MCU as core hardware, every cell pan position detection control strategy and modular design of the program approach. The system could solve the impact of the cumulative error on seeding caused by seeding roller line speed and cell pan convey speed difference in continuous work, and it could make the seeder operate in working conditions rapidly and prevent overshooting phenomenon when hard braking was used in high speed working conditions, which insured that seeding device could operate stably in high-speed under the same seeding accuracy conditions. The result indicated that the error between measurement value and theoretical value was up to 2.01% in the operation speed of seeding roller and cell pan convey device under different productivities. The difference between seeding roller line speed and cell pan convey speed was up to 0.1 m/min; it was far less than the theory of permit value 14.4 m/min, which could meet the work requirements of the seeder.


