
    Nest Architecture of Four Ponerine Ant Species (Formicidae, Ponerinae) and Organisms Present in Their Nests

    • 摘要: 敏捷厚结猛蚁 Pachycondyla astuta Smith、聚纹双刺猛蚁Diacamma rugosum (Le Guillou)、横纹齿猛蚁Odontoponera transversa (Smith) 和猎镰猛蚁Harpegnathos venator (Smith)是我国东部和南部地区比较常见的猛蚁,可捕食林木白蚁,是一类潜在的天敌昆虫.通过挖巢的方法对这4种猛蚁的筑巢环境、巢穴结构和巢内生物进行了研究.结果表明,4种猛蚁的巢穴均为地下巢,多建在橡胶林、荔枝林等林间空地;结构比较简单,深度一般不超过0.6 m,巢室仅有几个至数十个,在土壤中分布无规则至分层排列.巢穴内部或周围常可见到膜翅目、等翅目昆虫以及土壤小型多足类和等足类动物.


      Abstract: Pachycondyla astuta Smith, Diacamma rugosum (Le Guillou), Odontoponera transversa (Smith) and Harpegnathos venator (Smith) are common ponerine ants in east China and south China. They are potential natural enemies of forest termites. Twenty nests of the four ponerine ant species were excavated to study their nesting environment, nest architecture and organisms present in their nests. The results showed that the ponerine ants mainly built their underground nests in rubber plantations and litchi forests. Their nests were simple, with only several to dozens of layered or random chambers in the soil. The depth of the nests was usually less than 0.6 m. Organisms including insects of Hymenoptera and Isoptera as well as some small soil animals were found in or near the nests. Their relationships with the ponerine ants are sympatry, symbiosis and prey-predator relationship.


