
    A Study on the Morphology, Biology and Occurrence of Cacopsylla citrisuga

    • 摘要: 柚喀木虱 Cacopsylla citrisuga Yang & Li是云南省德宏州柠檬产区为害柠檬嫩梢、嫩叶的一种害虫,在该产区的柚喀木虱若虫体内检测到黄龙病亚洲种病原菌,对柚喀木虱的形态、生物学特性及发生规律进行了研究.结果表明:柚喀木虱主要发生在德宏州海拔1 000~1 500 m的柠檬产区,其寄主植物仅发现芸香科柑橘属 Citrus 和枳壳Poncirus trifoliate,海拔越高,发生时间越长,受害越重;以若虫为害最为严重,受害叶片不能正常生长及展开,出现对折症状,严重时卷曲成菊花状;其种群数量的变化及为害高峰期与柠檬抽发、海拔高度及气温密切相关.


      Abstract: Cacopsylla citrisuga Yang & Li is a major pest of Citrus limon (L.) Burm.F. in Dehong lemon production region, Yunnan Province. The pest damages the young leaves and flushes of lemon trees. A recent study indicated that C. citrisuga was a carrier of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacterium associated with Asian type huanglongbing. This work was therefore initiated for study of the morphological characters, biology, population dynamics and economic damages of the psyllids in Dehong region. The study indicated that C. citrisuga preferred areas with an altitude between 1 000-1 500 meters. Its host plants were limited to the species of in genus Citrus as well as Poncirus trifoliate only. The pest caused more severe and a longer period of damage as altitude increased. The nymphs caused the most damage. The common symptoms of C. citrisuga infestation include distorted leaves. Population dynamics and occurrence of C. citrisuga are correlated with lemon flushing, altitude, and temperature.


