
    Extraction of Pectin from Sisal Residue

    • 摘要: 以剑麻渣为原料提取果胶,采用正交试验优化提取条件,并对剑麻果胶的分离及脱色进行研究,得出制备剑麻果胶的最佳工艺条件为:以2.2 mol·L-1的草酸-草酸铵缓冲溶液为提取剂,料液比为0.1 g·mL-1,时间90 min,温度80 ℃,在pH4.0条件下用乙醇沉淀果胶,果胶产率为14.87%;用w为1.8%~2.4%的过氧化氢脱色,获得浅黄色果胶.理化性质研究表明,剑麻果胶为酯化度23%的低酯果胶,w(半乳糖醛酸)为66%,pH、灰分等指标均符合国家轻工行业标准。


      Abstract: The method of pectin extraction from sisal residue was optimized by orthogonal experiments, and pectin separation and decoloration were also studied. The optimized extraction conditions were as follows: 2.2 mol·L-1 oxalic acid-ammonium oxalate buffer as extracting agent, the solid to liquid ratio 0.1 g·mL-1, time 90 min, temperature 80℃. Pectin was precipitated by alcohol at pH 4.0; the yield of sisal pectin was 14.87%. The primrose yellow pectin was decolored by 1.8%-2.4% H2O2. The results of physicochemical property were that the degree of esterification of sisal pectin was 23%, galacturonic acid 66%, pH and ash all complying with Chinese light industey standards.


